Daemon strode to the Well of All Souls, hands stretched slightly wide, fingers parted as if he were about to grab the air itself and command it. Two of Kaly’s forms were frozen there though they were not visible at the moment. The ghosts were like waves on a stormy sea around them, swamping them in swells of cold mist then withdrawing and leaving them exposed like rocks on the shore, naked, wet and shivering.
The form called Artemis Alucius, the one that had sired Caemorn, looked at him for one moment. There were so many emotions in those silver eyes from joy to grief from love to hate from arrogance to terror. The female form called Moira stared straight ahead, her jaw muscles clenched and her throat working convulsively. It was like seeing two parts of Kaly’s mind at once. Their thoughts were unsurprising.
You think that you have stopped me? Kaly asked. Surely the incident in the museum has taught you that I am not your only foe.
You mean the children that you have poisoned? Daemon shook his head wearily.
I mean those who know your power and understand that you must be stopped now--
You know you cannot stop me. Nor can they,Daemon interrupted, still weary. You know I am inevitable.
But what you bring to your rule, what lessons you’ve learned, are not,Kaly said and Artemis’ chin quivered up a millimeter but no more. Balthazar had him completely in his power.
You think you are the one to teach me?Daemon shook his head again.
I established order in the Vampires. I ensured that the Immortals did not rise again to make cannon fodder of them and destroy our food source and our progeny. You think that nothing?Arrogance brimmed in those words and in Artemis’ eyes. Moira’s were filled with desperation to find a way out of this.
Everything you’ve accomplished, Kaly, has been built upon lies and death,Daemon told them sadly. That is why it will all fall and you will not be seen as the hero, but the villain.
A blankness wiped both Artemis and Moira’s faces clean at his words. He had struck at the heart of them.
People like Fiona who were believers knew the truth once they heard and saw it. Your lies peeled her away from the Order and her faith was damaged irrevocably,Daemon told them. And others will follow the same path she did to understanding. They already are.
Not all!Kaly insisted.
Not all,Daemon admitted. And those are a problem.
Daemon thought of Kara, the Kaly Vampire who had killed so many for no reason. He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out the soul stone that contained her. Artemis saw it and knew she was in there, but there was no pity in those silver eyes. No regret. No loss. No guilt. Of course, there wasn’t. There would never be. That was not who Kaly was. And that meant that they would go through no end of people like Kara to teach him lessons.
Do you think I should mourn her?Kaly asked. She gave her life and her soul in service to an idea she fully believes in. She is a hero. Or would you call her a villain too?
I would call her delusional. She was betrayed by you,Daemon explained as he rubbed his right thumb over the gem’s smooth, warm surface. He caught sight of a silvery light inside of the gem. Kara’s soul. She thought you offered her truth and a greater purpose. But she never knew the truth and her only purpose was to serve your ego.
People don’t care about the truth, not really. They feel things and want to believe in those feelings,Kaly answered. I gave her what she needed.
Yes,Daemon thought sadly. You did. And now you must be made to give her another feeling.
You think you can convince me I’m wrong? Come now, Daemon, surely you realize that by leaving the world to mourn a fledgling that was to be yours in time that you betrayed us all!Kaly pointed out.
Daemon nodded and he felt Kaly’s shock. I did not realize what role I played among you.
How could you think that with our petty squabbles and our attempts to one-up one another?Kaly scoffed. How did you ignore such things?
Daemon’s mind went back to the many times he had intervened, played the mediator, and sometimes the First Among Equals to end bickering that had turned too bitter.
I was overcome by my own grief,Daemon stated. I was not perfect. I am not perfect now.
But you are king!Kaly’s voice was mocking. You are inevitable! Such a being can never be wrong for the cost to all of us is too high.
Daemon considered this. Things had not gone well in his absence. Seeyr had warned him of that, but he had not cared at the time. He couldn’t see beyond his own pain. I am chastened by what has happened.
But you will still rule everyone, won’t you?Kaly said and Daemon imagined them shaking their head sadly.
Yes, it is my nature,Daemon also admitted. And I will make more mistakes, Kaly, and I will learn from those too.
So you see then? I am doing this for you, Daemon, for your good. For the good of the world,Kaly stated.