Who is he talking to? Balthazar?! Balthazar, can you hear me?!

Christian thought he saw a lightening of the darkness beyond the crystal’s facets. Was that a way out? Maybe if he found the edge of the crystal that was lightest he could… what? Break it? He was in his spiritual form. He wasn’t a physical entity here. But maybe the gem that he was seeing here was just a spiritual construct. Meaning if he “thought” he was breaking the gem here then maybe his soul would be released from the real gem. As idly as he could, Christian sidled towards the nearest facet. He slid his hands in his pockets as if to appear like he was going on a stroll with no real object in mind. That was when he found the gem that contained David’s soul.

There’s not really a gem in my pocket here. I don’t have pockets or pants. I’m a spirit,Christian reminded himself. But maybe this means that I can still call upon David here to assist me. But what could he do to help me against Kaly? Or this gem?

“Do you take no individual responsibility for what you did? And what of the other Immortals? Are they children who cannot be trusted without Daemon’s watchful eye on them?” Christian asked quickly as he saw that Kaly was watching him again and not gazing at something or someone outside of this place. Covered in sweat and pasty pale, he was still formidable. He clutched the soul gem in his hand tighter still.

“Daemon has told you that he is king, has he not? Repeated it constantly like some mantra,” Kaly said with an almost faint smile on his face.

“Yes, and it is obvious he is the strongest so--”

“You do not understand.” A sickly smile and then Kaly continued, “We are meant to be ruled by him. We need him. And once he extends his reach to all of the humans, they will need him, too. He must be made to learn, Christian, or everyone will pay for it.”

And then in that moment, Christian heard Daemon’s voice, clear as day in Kaly’s mind, “Eyros. Eyros, my beloved friend. Come back. Bring Kaly with you. I must end this.”

Their gazes met. Kaly realized that Christian had heard the words too. Desperation and an almost sick anticipation shone in his silver eyes.

“Time to show Daemon there are consequences,” Kaly said.

And then lunged.

Christian’s hand closed around the soul gem. It powdered to dust in his hand. But there was a light. Something between him and Kaly. It distracted Kaly for a moment, long enough for Christian to stagger back away from him. The light resolved into a figure. It was David. Kaly let out a laugh as he realized what it was that was in his way.

“A spirit?! You are trying to use a spirit against me?” Kaly giggled then. “That’s… that’s an interesting tactic.”

David was still between them. He was as solid as both of them. Because they were all three spirits in this place.

“Let me help you, Christian,” David said.

Christian started. It was the first time he had heard David’s voice in ages. It was shocking.

“Oh, I don’t think so. Here, I rule,” Kaly cackled.

“I know I did a terrible wrong to you and so many others,” David said. “But, mostly, to you. I know that now, Christian. And I am so sorry. Please let me help you.”

“How amusing! He thinks he can help you. An enemy, I see! Fascinating,” Kaly stated.

Kaly was completely gray. But he was still holding on and Christian knew he was capable of doing something terrible. He would do something terrible.

“Let me help you,” David pleaded. “Let me make some amends. I know you will not forgive me. But let me help you this one time.”

“You’ll help him by holding him for me,” Kaly said.

“No,” David said to Kaly without turning towards him.

Frown lines appeared on that perfect--yet sweaty--face. “No?”

“We are near the Well of All Souls,” David said to Christian.

“That makes me stronger,” Kaly hissed.

The gem was pulsing all around them

“That’s Daemon,” Christian realized.

“Yes, but he won’t get to you in time,” Kaly said and grinned.

“The Well of All Souls is an opening, Christian,” David continued. “To the Other Side. And you, as Speaker to the Dead, are strongest here.”