Julian teleported across the room to his best friend. He grabbed Christian--who was already anticipating him--and teleported again. His eyelids flew open. He hadn’t thought it would work. But it had and they had seconds. Less than seconds.

“C’mon!” Julian cried as he raced towards the side of the church where Caemorn indicated that the gate was.

It looked like a decorated symbol on the side of the church of the moon falling towards the ocean. It wasn’t that old of a church, but the stones that made up this side had been taken from somewhere else and made a part of it. These were ancient.

“Julian, here! To cut yourself!” Christian tossed him a broken bottle.

Julian slashed his finger and painted the symbol that would open the gate. There was a whooshing sound and the stone became opaque then the tunnel was there. Just like it had been for them under the library when they had gone to Nightvallen.

At that moment, Daemon called his name, “JULIAN!”

Julian half turned even as he grasped Christian’s hand. I have to do this. It’s not just about my parents. It’s about you. I can’t have that bad future for you.

Julian, no!

Daemon…Julian met his beloved’s eyes. Trust me.

Daemon stared at him with such anguish that it felt like the skin was being flayed from Julian’s body just looking at him.

I will come back to you,Julian sent. I swear it. Trust me.

You must…Daemon’s voice was so bleak. Or I… you must.

I will,Julian vowed. I promise.

He and Christian then leaped through the gate.