“No, no, no! This is insane!” Balthazar glared at Seeyr. “Are you honestly telling me that these two very young Vampires need to go to the most dangerous place in the Ever Dark on their own in order to do what? What exactly will happen if they don’t go?”
“No one else can retrieve the soul gems,” Seeyr said and hesitated as if she would say more but stopped herself.
Balthazar winced. He looked up at Julian and down. “Julian, I know that you want your parents returned to you, but--”
“It’s not just them! I wouldn’t risk Christian’s life again! Not even to save my parents!” Julian told him with suddenly dry lips. He could feel something momentous about all of this. “But my parents would be stuck forever in that prison if we don’t find those soul gems. Not moving on. Just stuck.”
“Not stuck! Not forever! because you forget about the Vampire’s gift of immortality, Julian,” Balthazar said, looking grayer still. “You and Christian can get stronger and really train for this and then go into Moonfall when you’re ready. Your parents would rather you took the time to be safe than coming in for them half-cocked! Daemon won’t say that, but I will! You aren’t ready!”
“They have to go now,” Seeyr said in that calm, sure tone. “It must just be the two of them.”
“Goddamnit, Seeyr!” Balthazar hissed as he hit the table once again. “Stop with this! They don’t have to go! The Harrows wouldn’t want the boys to die for them! They wouldn’t want it!”
“It is not just that, Eyros,” she said. “Certain things must happen for this all to work.”
“And I’m telling you.” Balthazar pointed at her sightless face. “That Daemon did not go to sleep, that I didn’t die, that you weren’t tortured, that all of this crap didn’t happen just so we could lose everything now! Daemon will not survive losing Julian and I sure as damn won’t losing Christian! So--”
“There’s something more at stake,” she persisted. “Perhaps everything more--”
“I don’t believe that, Seeyr!” Balthazar snarled. “We make our own destiny and I--”
The fighting dimmed in Julian’s ears. He heard something else. It was Caemorn. Caemorn was telling him something. Julian found himself using the Eyros Bloodline gift.
Here. Go here. A picture of a map appeared in Julian’s mind. He recognized the old church on Fallow Street. On the side. That’s the gate for Moonfall, Caemorn was thinking. This is the symbol you need to draw to get in.
Julian glanced at Daemon. But the Vampire King was looking at Balthazar and Seeyr battle it out.
Why are you doing this? Helping like this?Julian asked. You adore Daemon. He won’t forgive you for this!
Perhaps he won’t. There was endless grief there, but Caemorn controlled it, shoving it away from view. But Seeyr wouldn’t risk the two of you unless it meant the alternative is much, much worse, Caemorn did not look at him as he said this.
It’s something to do with Daemon’s rule, I think. Something about how it will go and whether things with Kaly can be fixed.Julian’s forehead furrowed and his head throbbed.
There was a flash and he saw cities burning. People screaming. Running. Terror.
There was another flash and he saw Daemon, smiling and happy, speaking to reporters.
Two futures.
And everything would depend on this.
But why? How?
Julian couldn’t see those answers. Maybe it was the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly flapped its wings and an empire toppled or was raised. This was the Seeyr Bloodline gift, he realized.
Caemorn’s voice was insistent as he said, You cannot ask Daemon and Balthazar to let you go. They won’t. Not even for the world’s sake. That’s why you must do it on your own.
You think we can succeed?Julian lifted an eyebrow. Or are you hoping to take my place?
We both know that would never happen. The only question is whether you can take this chance for him,Caemorn answered calmly.
It’s not a question.
Daemon was still loosely holding his hand. His head was still turned towards Balthazar and Seeyr. It was a momentary inattention. Daemon couldn’t see his own future and because of that, he couldn’t see Julian’s either. It was something he would likely curse himself for later. But it was what Julian needed. If he could do it.
Two teleportation jumps… yeah, sure, this will work,Julian told himself. Oh, my God, this is insane!
“I refuse to believe in fate!” Balthazar yelled. “Not if fate takes Christian away from me! Seeyr, you--”