Another ripple of thunder and forked lightning followed this. Julian found himself smiling and nodding his head. Daemon had put the dead back where they belonged. He’d undone some of Kaly’s damage. Julian could feel that Kaly would not be working their dark gift here again for some time.

Then he heard Daemon call for him, Come, Julian. Join me.

Julian didn’t have to think. He raced up the side of the rise at Vampire speed. When he was a few feet from Daemon, the Vampire King reached for him and the two of them were rising off of the ground, arms around one another, spinning slowly. Daemon kissed him. Tenderly. Warmly. He was treasured. Julian kissed him back hard and desperate. He was so proud of Daemon and he wondered now why he had ever worried.

What are you going to do next?Julian asked, eager to see Daemon’s next act. A speech?

Daemon smiled broadly. I leave the speeches for Balthazar.

He’ll be very upset he missed this.Julian frowned as he held tightly onto his Sire. He is okay, isn’t he?

Of course!Daemon grinned. He and Caemorn will have quite the story to tell. And their nascent friendship will just be one of the things that will come out of it.

Friendship? Caemorn and Balthazar?

Not even Julian could believe that those two could be friends. But Daemon just smiled more broadly.

Oh, yes, and you do not have to worry about him missing anything,Daemon said as he held Julian closer to him. Julian could feel the power flowing out of Daemon in wondrous waves. Because this is just the beginning.

And then Daemon was using the Eyros Bloodline gift to touch every mind in the place. What he said was simple, but profound, I am Daemon. Vampire King. All is well now. Do not worry. We are here to protect you. You have many questions. And I promise there will be answers in time.

Then, even as the reporters shouted those questions, Daemon used the Wyvern Bloodline Gift to teleport every single Vampire away from the museum and back to their respective homes. Julian and Daemon were the only ones left. There were gasps and cries of awe and fear.

Finally, just as Daemon went to teleport himself and Julian back to Ravenscroft Manor, he told the assembled humans, For we will see each other again. Very soon.