Balthazar! Balthazar, stop!

There was a terrible wail in Caemorn’s head. A high pitched whine that almost had him losing control of the creature entirely. It went down onto one kneel, beginning to fall back into full death. His view through the creature’s eyes narrowed to a dark tunnel.

Stop, Eyros! Caemorn yelled. It’s me!It’s Caemorn!

The psychic wail in his head abruptly did stop. The silence was almost deafening. He felt like he might vomit.

Oh, damnit, Caemorn! Balthazar cried in a voice that sounded rather distant. Not as focused as before. What is that thing you’re… you’re wearing? Are you wearing it?

I’m driving it. Sort of like how Kaly is driving those bodies, but less deeply,Caemorn answered him. That does not matter now! You are injured!

Balthazar grunted and kept on as if he hadn’t said the last, Well, it’s probably best you’re not wearing it because it smells horrific. I mean it really smells like death… Balthazar removed the hand from his throat, but blood still flowed. He slapped it back on the wound. The whole front of his clothes was now covered in a dark stain. I think I’m close to that as well. Kaly did something--

Soul Drain! That’s all it is. You can recover. But you need to feed and--anddrink from her! Caemorn thrust Moira’s body at Balthazar.

Drinking from a Vampire not one’s Sire had less beneficial effects than drinking from a human. The blood was not as nutritious, not as charged, as human blood was. But it would stem the bleeding, hopefully, until Balthazar could be moved back to the Spire. Balthazar attempted to stand. He managed to get one leg underneath him before he swayed forward, flat on his face. He did not move. He was unconscious.

No! Balthazar, no!

Caemorn had the creature turn Balthazar over on his back. How to help him? He needed blood. There was only one way to do this. It would be messy, but, then again, Balthazar was already a mess.

Using one of the creature’s massive claws, Caemorn neatly slit Moira’s throat open from ear to ear. She made a gurgling sound. Well, this would be one last body for Kaly to inhabit. He aimed the gush of blood at Balthazar’s face. Crimson blood poured over Balthazar’s lips, cheeks and chin. His eyes and lips remained closed. There was a snort as he breathed in some of the blood.

No! Open your mouth, Balthazar!

But the Eyros Vampire was not conscious to do so. Using the point of one claw, Caemorn gently opened Balthazar’s lips. The blood poured into the Eyros Vampire’s mouth. Nothing happened for a moment, then Balthazar’s throat started moving and he was swallowing every single last gush of blood. It seemed all too soon when the last of Moira’s blood drained out of her and into Balthazar. But Balthazar still seemed weak. He let out a soft moan once the blood finished.

Balthazar?! Balthazar?! You need to wake up! Drink from her!

But still Balthazar remained in this strange dreamy state. Where am I? What’s going on? My head is floating off from my body, Balthazar said and laughed.

Moira’s blood had helped. But not entirely. It had just repaired some of the worse damage. But Balthazar’s soul was only tenuously clinging to this form.

Balthazar, you cannot give up! Do you hear me? Caemorn insisted. You need to hold on for Christian. He cannot survive without you.

Balthazar’s eyes opened slightly wider and they seemed to focus for a moment. Christian… I won’t leave Christian. What… What is wrong with me?

Kaly destabilized your soul and drained your body. You need more blood. Human blood,Caemorn realized. A lot of it.

Not many humans in this part of the Ever Dark,Balthazar pointed out.

None at all. But there are at the Spire. I just need to get you back here,Caemorn told him.

That sounds about right. But how? Fiona isn’t here,Balthazar murmured as his eyelids started to close again.

She isn’t the only Wyvern Vampire here. And there are many who know the Well of All Souls in the Order.

Oh… good, because I don’t think I can walk there.

And not even this creature can run there in time. Balthazar!Caemorn shouted sharply as he saw Balthazar’s eyelids close. You must hang on! I will come get you! Just hang on!

Caemorn opened his eyes, even as he kept control of the creature. His vision swam for a moment as he saw both places at once. He grimaced and forced himself to focus on his own vision. Then he threw himself off of the Spire and landed in a half crouch on the ground.

What would have shocked humans caused not the slightest stir among the Vampires. Such a feat was nothing for his kind. He straightened up. He cast around, looking for someone from the Order who was a Wyvern and who had been to the Well of All Souls. It was not a secret place exactly. Many of the Order knew of it. But few were allowed to go. Yet he had taken a few of the very faithful there, ironically, including Arcius.

I need to find one of Arcius’ followers. I ran most of them off. But some may have returned to the Spire since Daemon used Armageddon and made this ground zero for the new Order.

His eyes ran over the Vampires that flowed past them, eagerly chatting about Daemon’s return, and how things were going to be different and wonderful and just as had been foretold.