He kept concentrating. There had to be connections between all of the bodies Kaly inhabited. They needed to keep themselves altogether. He saw those lines running out in all directions. Small pinpoints of light in the darkness.
“Caemorn?” Daemon’s voice suddenly rose up.
Caemorn’s eyelids opened. Above him, crouched the vampire king. He was smiling and Caemorn desperately wanted to smile back, which was ridiculous. But he did. But he couldn’t. He really wanted to tell him that he could recognize his Master’s soul. He would be able to recognize Kaly anywhere. He could even trace him.
“What’s wrong with him?” Balthazar asked.
“Does Kaly have his soul, too?” Christian asked.
“No, this is… simpler than that,” Daemon said and his eyes never left Caemorn’s face. “I heard what you said to Kaly, Caemorn. That you chose me.”
Balthazar’s lips opened as if to discount that, but he closed them as if he thought better of it. And, if Caemorn hadn’t known better, Balthazar almost looked ashamed of something.
Caemorn tried to answer, but he couldn’t move his lips.
I can hear your thoughts, Caemorn,Daemon said with a gentle smile.
I know how to track Kaly and--
Caemorn, I know. But this is important, Daemon responded almost lightly. Now… do you choose me?
Caemorn wanted to squirm. It was the height of weakness to show desire for anything. He swallowed. He could swallow now. Thank the gods.
Y-yes, but what’s more important is--
Nothing is more important than that, Caemorn, Daemon told him. You are free.
“Free? What…” Caemorn spoke the words out loud. He could speak. He could sit up. He could stand up. He was doing all of these things. “You broke Kaly’s control over me. I did not think that--”
“You broke Kaly’s control over you, Caemorn,” Daemon answered softly. “You chose me.”
“You’re my king,” Caemorn answered, still not quite understanding how he was free of Kaly. “Does this make you… you my Master?”
Daemon laughed, but kindly. “You are a master of yourself. I am Master to all.” His red eyes narrowed. “Now, it is my turn to remind Kaly of that fact.”