Julian went pale. “I… I just…”
Lisette smiled at him. “You have a good heart. I am glad our king can protect you from this darkness in others.”
“He doesn’t need to protect me--”
“I would not have your faith, and kindness, tainted in any bit,” Lisette continued.
“I’m not a child!” Julian looked affronted. “I’m not naive…” He glanced at Daemon. “I’mnot! I just don’t want to take life unnecessarily, or have people’s souls used for terrible things!”
“That is reasonable to me,” Arcius murmured.
“People are very superstitious about the Kaly, and what we do. But I can assure you that our gift is no more objectionable than the ability to read and control minds.” She gave Arcius a smile that did not quite meet her eyes. “Though, now I am quite grateful to be on your side. It was Balthazar whochangedmy mind on the subject. How is that different from what I would do with a soul?”
“We can have a philosophical debate about that later,” Arcius said dryly.
“All Bloodlines have grace in my view,” Daemon replied to both of them.
Lisette curtseyed. “We are so used to prejudice.”
“As arewe,” Arcius replied with narrowed eyes. “How many times have members of the Eyros Bloodline been exiled? Far more than Kaly.”
“And this should make youallies,” Daemon interrupted what was an old fight. “You have both been isolated from the other Bloodlines. You should take comfort in one another.”
Arcius crossed his arms over his chest. Lisette hummed a little under his breath.
“Christian should be a bridge between you guys,” Julian said. “A Speaker of the Dead in one House that can only be trained by another. You must be connected in some way.”
“Were Kaly and Eyros close?” Lisette asked.
“Eryos was able to read Kaly, know what they needed, but Eyros only did so when…”
“When it amused him, I’m sure,” Lisette guessed.
“You sound hurt by that. But you claim to not care at the same time,” Arcius murmured with a roll of his eyes.
“You can make people like you if you’re an Eyros. We cannot do the same.” She sniffed.
Julian’s head had been moving between them like he was watching a tennis match. His eyebrows rose with every word.
“Guys, we’re all allies. We have plenty of enemies out there without looking to make more between us,” Julian said. He then dipped his head towards Vivica. “We have themhere.”
Lisette bared her fangs at Vivica. “Yes, you’re quite right. There are far more worthy foes here. You should make some of these people examples now, my king.”
Vivica’s chin lifted. “Are we to be hunted down like--”
“Like the pitiful creatures you are for challenging King Daemon?” Arcius finished for her. His expression was grave. “What can we do for you, King Daemon, with these people?”
Fiona stepped up. “There are Blood Slaves here, and cells. I would request, King Daemon, that those people be returned to their homes, and these here are placed within those cells until you determine what should be done with them.”
“Perhaps some will be salvageable,” Lisette said with a sniff. She yanked Vivica to her. “But most will not be.”
Daemon nodded. “Let it be done.”
“Come, Arcius, help me with--”
But Daemon shook his head. “I need him for something else. Have the other Houses help you. Lisette, follow Fiona’s lead. Charlie?”
“Yes, my king?” Charlie’s gaze snapped onto him. He had been looking at everything and everyone with a sense of amazement, but it was no greater than when Charlie faced him. He saw his own visage appear on Charlie’s face then meld into his usual foppish one.