“Yes.” Daemon smiled broadly. “Yes, he has, and now that is coming home to roost.”
“He’s stained the ground at Solace with Blood Slaves.” Fiona’s lips curled in disgust. “By pressing people into the Order who have no faith, he’s completely undermined it.”
“Indeed, but the Order needs to be swept away and made anew.” Daemon reached over and put a hand on Arcius’ shoulder, causing the bearded Confessor to look shocked. “But I am certain that you are up for the job, Arcius.”
“You mean for me to lead the Order? To be Preceptor?” Arcius blinked.
“There would be no one better!” Fiona enthused.
In this, he and Fiona were in complete agreement. “You would be perfect in that role, Arcius.”
“I—I don’t know what to say. I am but a simple priest!” Arcius stammered out.
Daemon squeezed his shoulder. “On the contrary, you are so much more than that.”
“Maybe we should not count our chickens before they hatch.” It was Lissette who spoke as she, the rest of her House and Balthazar’s came down through the door into the basement.
Balthazar let out a sharp bark of laughter. “I thought like you did, Lissette. I actually worried about things like this. But when you see him in action… You won’t quite believe it.”
“But the Spire mutes our gifts. Won’t yours be muted, King Daemon?” she asked.
“No, I am king,” Daemon answered with his favorite line, but Balthazar was starting to understand how much power and meaning was truly in that statement.
“I admit I’m rather excited to see what you do!” Balthazar confessed.
Julian, who had been chewing on his inner cheek, and watching this interchange carefully, said, “So you could go in there and use the Eyros gift to simply turn everyone to your side, but you’re not going to, right?”
“No, my fledgling. While that is a useful gift, it is not impressive to those gazing on. Besides, I want their minds to change naturally. They will choose to serve me,” Daemon said as he stroked Julian’s fine skin.
What was left unsaid, but what Balthazar heard nonetheless was the threat:And if they do not serve, they will get their Second Deaths.
“Fiona, I wish you to teleport us to the swamp area about half a mile from the Spire,” Daemon told her.
She looked tense, but one encouraging look from Arcius had her nodding. “I can do that.”
Daemon turned back to Lissette and the other eager Vampires in the room, crowding the stairs and up into the house above. He did not open his mouth, but all heard his words,My children, once the time is right, the Gate will open and you should come through. I would show you Solace as it should be and the Lady Seeyr will await to greet you.
Balthazar felt the waves of amazement, fear, and some distrust from the listeners. They couldn’t believe that they were going to be on the winning side for once. They were waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under them and to be dumped back onto the street.
Balthazar understood their worries. Though he wanted to assure them that they were unfounded, if he did so after Daemon had spoken it would have undermined the king so he remained silent. They would see the truth of it when it happened.
“We need to hold hands again,” Fiona said, and extended her hands to the sides.
Once more they formed a circle, but this time it was smaller, and there were no reeking werewolves in the group.
Caemorn really should have them bathe.
That was the last thought that Balthazar got out before they were teleported to the Ever Dark. He was knee deep in slimy water and a bulbous tipped reed was banging against his lips. He let out a sound of displeasure.
“I thought you were Wyvern reborn!” Balthazar hissed. “Why are my Italian shoes and tailored pants destroyed?”
“I—I’ve never teleported here before from Earth!” Fiona protested, but she looked stricken.
Because he wasn’t the only one with water up to his knees. The top of Daemon’s boots stuck just an inch above the swamp’s surface. Balthazar guessed their king did not care, because it would likely give him an excuse to get naked and proudly greet all of the Vampiressansclothes.
“I am so sorry, King Daemon!” she cried.
But Daemon held up a hand and said, “It is perfect. This is exactly where I wished to be.”