No, Julian. They will be venerated,Daemon said and pressed his lips to Julian’s head, kissing him long and hard.
I think they’d like that. To be remembered for doing something good and amazing,Julian responded.
“So you told everyone in the Eyros Bloodline to join us?” Christian was suddenly saying to Balthazar, breaking Julian out of his private conversation with Daemon. “When are they arriving and where are you going to put all of them? Especially if we are going to Solace to rescue Seeyr?”
“We? What’s thiswebusiness?” Balthazar carded his fingers through Christian’s curls, which had his best friend catching his master’s hand.
“We meaning Julian and myself included in whatever you have planned, of course,” Christian answered simply.
“No,” Balthazar said, making each word part of a command. “You are staying here.”
“We are coming,” Christian responded with just as much emphasis.
“We are,” Julian agreed.
“No, my one,” Daemon said.
“Yes,” Julian contradicted.
“No!” Both Masters said.
Julian and Christian looked at each other. They were going no matter what.
“I want you to consider something,” Julian began. “If you leave us here, you are putting us in greater danger than if you let us come.”
Balthazar let out a coughing laugh. “Oh, really?”
“Yes,really, I believe I know where Julian is going with this,” Christian said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Kaly.”
“What about Kaly?” Balthazar asked.
“The moment you guys leave for Solace is the moment that Kaly comes here and attacks. He knows what you both care about. Your House members and your fledglings,” Julian explained. “Attacking us while you’re away is his best shot at taking us hostage.”
“It would make perfect sense to attack when you both are away,” Christian agreed with a nod. “That’s what I would do. He could use us as tools to negotiate, or if he’s truly hateful, simply to give Second Deaths to in order to hurt you both.”
Daemon’s red eyes burned like magma.
“Only if he’s suicidal.” Balthazar gave a cold smile.
“Kaly will just leave Artemis’ body and we won’t know who he is or she is,” Julian explained. “They’ll just be able to strike from the shadows later.”
Arcius was stroking his beard as he murmured, “That would seem like a Kaly thing to do.”
Daemon’s eyes were almost demonic.
“You want to keep me safe,” Julian said to him. “The safest place I can be is with you.”
“That is not the only consideration. You are…” Daemon rolled his lips.
“What? What am I?” Julian stood up straighter, believing he was going to be insulted in some way. Not intentionally. But still.
“Don’t do it, Daemon. Don’t do it. Just back away slowly from that statement,” Balthazar advised him.
But Daemon did not heed that advice, and maybe he couldn’t have. He definitely couldn’t have, because Julian wouldn’t have allowed it.
“You do not like death,” Daemon told him. “And there will be death.”
Julian swallowed, but shrugged. “I’m not sure that what I imagine won’t be worse than what actually happens. So I’m going.”