“And I know that he’s got to beking, too. If keeping Caemorn around, as Preceptor even, is good politically, he might have to do it,” Julian pointed out. And how did he feel about that? He didn’t know.
Christian studied his face carefully. “Daemon chooses you above everything else. It’s why he didn’t kill Elena, even though he thought he should.”
Julian swallowed. “I don’t know what to hope for. That Caemorn’s killed or allowed to live. It’s crazy. I never really thought about what would happen when I got to this point. I mean he’s right there, locked in a room, and I have no idea what I want.”
“You don’t have to decide right this moment.” Christian rubbed his shoulders. “That’s something that being a Vampire, and having forever, is teaching me. We have nothing, but time.”
“True.” Julian gave him a tight smile. Those words did help though. He didn’t have to decide now. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
He shook himself. He didn’t have to decide anything about Caemorn at this moment, but Christian needed to deal with Balthazar announcing himself now. He saw that William was rapidly texting a whole group.
“What’s the word about Balthazar?” Julian asked.
William looked up, still texting frantically, and said, “Half of the people think it’s a joke. Half of the people think that Balthazar has lost his mind. Half of the people think that it’s not a joke and that he’s not crazy, but just ridiculously arrogant.”
“That’s three halves,” Christian pointed out.
“Well, yes, but there’s overlap,” William explained.
“And what do you think about it, William?” Christian asked.
“Most of us aren’t surprised,” it was Isabel who answered. She was William’s near constant companion.
“Truly, once King Daemon was found to be real, we all started wondering about the others,” William explained. “There are no Eyros Vampires that are stronger than Balthazar, and considering he’s only 200 years old, that shouldn’t be possible. In fact, that’s why some think he was exiled.”
Julian tried to sense the thoughts of everyone in the room about Balthazar, but when he did, he got blasted by a cacophony of noise. Daemon simply reached over and dimmed it for him. Julian’s shoulders eased and he rubbed the back of his neck again as he shot the Vampire King a thankful look. Daemon’s mind caressed his even as he remained by the fireplace with Balthazar and Arcius.
William gave Julian a rather impish smile, sensing what he had tried to do. “We’re all too excited right now, Julian. You shouldn’t try to read this many minds yet under these conditions.”
Julian nodded. “Yeah, I just figured that out. I was hoping I could just get a sense from the room what’s going on in people’s heads”
“I am still confused why Balthazar would be exiled for being too strong.” Christian’s eyebrows drew together. “It makes no sense! Surely, someone would have wanted to mentor or at least have him in their House as an ally!”
William gave him a rather sad smile. “His strength is the reason no one wanted him in their House. He’d already killed one Vampire lord so he’d sort of broken the seal against killing another one. And since Vampires normally follow one another because of strength…”
“They assumed he would take over their House?” Julian guessed.
Christian though still looked affronted. “He only killed Roan because of the abuse! He wouldn’t have been out there gunning for another Vampire!”
William let out a small laugh. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Balthazar—or I suppose we should call him Eyros now?—can be quite ruthless to protect those he cares about. And if he thought that his people would be best suited by him being the Lord of the House, he’d do it.”
“I wouldn’t have had to kill them though,” Balthazar said as he bounced over to them, overhearing what they were talking about. “I’d just convince them to hand over the keys of power to me without any bloodshed at all.” He put an arm around Christian’s shoulders and kissed his temple. “Killing is so gauche. If only I had known who I was when that stupid trial took place I could have convinced everyone to name me king instead of exiling me.”
“But when Daemon returned, he’d have had to oust you,” Christian pointed out dryly.
“Oh, no, I’d bow to him.” Balthazar shrugged.
“Would you be willing to give up the crown so easily?” Daemon asked as he, too, sauntered over and put an arm around Julian’s shoulders.
Julian curled against him, relishing that strength and warmth.
“After a taste of seeing what you can do? Yes, most definitely, yes. I am many things, but suicidal is not one of them. Besides, if I remembered who I was, I would have remembered you as my best friend so I would have happily turned aside at ruling anything but the Eyros Bloodline,” Balthazar sounded almost peppy.
“You look strangely happy, Balthazar. You were terrified about telling the House, but you told everyone, didn’t you?” Christian questioned.
“I told the whole Eyros Bloodline.” Balthazar tipped his head to the side, looking thoughtful. “You know it was like standing on the edge of a cliff and just stepping off and finding one could fly.”
“You are definitely soaring, Eyros,” Daemon remarked with a smile.