“That sounds fascinating. I would love to go adventuring out there,” Julian admitted.
“We will. We will do all you desire.” Daemon’s gaze though was troubled.
Julian shifted from foot to foot.
Why is he blocking our bond, and not letting me know what he’s thinking? What’s displeasing him so much?He experienced a guilty start.Was it because I questioned him in front of others about the fates of his enemies? Our enemies, really. I want him to be happy. But I have my own mind. But he’s the king. I understand that better now.
He was about to open his mouth to say something--anything--but the elevator car slowed to a stop, and the crystalline doors silently opened to reveal a circular throne room. Julian’s eyebrows rose as he took in the beautiful marble floor inlaid with lapis lazuli and other precious stones. The walls of the room were sliding glass doors that curved in a perfect circle. There was a vast balcony outside of those doors, many of which were open. A cool breeze caused the white sheers to flutter in the wind. But it was the throne that amused Julian, and captured most of his attention.
He headed over to it, letting out a laugh. “Whoa, looks like Caemorn is into royal power too! He has a throne! Or is this one of yours that he stole and repurposed? Doesn’t look much like you though.”
The throne was high-backed, inset with more precious metals and stones, a massive seat, and broad arms. It reminded him very much of some Renaissance seat for a king. It definitely wasn’t Daemon’s style, and it didn’t fit with the room’s rather simple interior.
Tacky and ostentatious. Caemorn didn’t want anyone to forget that he was the head guy around here,Julian thought. I bet he sat in it and smiled in that satisfied, oily way of his. Yeah, he would definitely imagine how powerful he is in this thing.
He cast a look over his shoulder at Daemon, who had trailed much more slowly after him. Daemon had a faint smile on his lips, but he was clearly distracted. Caemorn’s assumption of power seemed unimportant. That surprised Julian. He thought that Daemon would take joy in sending this monstrosity over the balcony railing.
He is really upset about something. I have to find out why and apologize if it is something I’ve done. Better to take the bull by the horns.
“Hey, what’s going on? You’ve been acting funny since you defeated everybody.” Julian straightened, and went over to Daemon. He put his hands on Daemon’s broad shoulders, relishing the muscle beneath the soft, fur coat. “You should be celebrating, even though it was over before it began.”
“Should I be celebrating?” Daemon asked back, his red eyes searching Julian's face, but there was no accompanying touch of his mind.
“Should you? Of course! You protected everybody. And now I guess you get to determine if any of them get to be Vampires again,” Julian stated with a shrug. “I’m sure you’ll have many of them begging to serve you and--”
“You think being a Vampire is worth begging for?” Daemon crossed his arms at the wrists behind his back.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure that they will--”
“Notthem.You. Doyouthink being a Vampire is valuable?” Daemon pressed. He held himself so stiffly that he looked like he might break.
“Being a Vampire is… it’s amazing.” Julian shook his head in confusion.
“Even though you were brought into this dark world through violence, pain and betrayal?”
Daemon’s red eyes were fixed upon him. Though there were only a few feet between them, it felt like miles.
“It doesn’t matter how it all began. What matters isnow. I love it now. I wouldn’t trade my life now for anything!” Julian assured him. “But seriously, what’s wrong? Why are you acting like you’re in mourning? Are you worried about Seeyr? Are you upset about those people almost attacking us?”
Daemon’s mouth opened, but no words came out for a half a minute. Finally, the Vampire King rasped out, “Do you want to become human again? Do you want to leave me?”
Julian was stunned into silence, which had Daemon going paler. He shook himself.
“What are you talking about? Why would I want to become human again?”
“Why… Why would youwantto? I do not know. I just need to know if you do.” Daemon let out a bark of laughter that almost sounded like a sob. He looked away from Julian’s face, staring out one of the doors to see the night sky of the Ever Dark. His emotions and feelings were still partially hidden. But Julian could sense them. They were roiling, but whatever had been obsessing Daemon before was broken. The largest feeling the Vampire King had wasrelief. He’d never seen Daemon sorawbefore. It was unnerving, even though he was touched that Daemon allowed him to see it. “You were not even thinking about it. You were not even considering it. And here I was… afraid.”
“Armageddon… of course! You thought I wanted you to turn me human again? Ah, no. Not at all. Never.” Julian shook his head vociferously. “Why would I--oomph!”
Daemon crushed Julian to him, which caused all the air to be squeezed out of his lungs. The Vampire King eased his hold. But only a little. Julian wrapped his arms around Daemon, too, and rested his cheek against the Vampire King’s shoulder.
In amazement, Julian asked, “You really thought that I would want that? That I would want to leave you? Why? I’myours.”
Daemon’s laughter, it was rich and deep but held a note of almost hysteria to it, interrupted his questions and that simple last statement. “You are mine? Mine… I thought… I do not know what I thought.”
Julian pulled back to regard that beautiful face. “You thought I would want to go back to my old life? Never.”
“Was your old life so bad? I thought you enjoyed it.” Daemon was squeezing him tightly.