“He’s talking toyou, Charlie!” Darcie enthused.

Charlie gave her a dry look. “I am aware, Darcie. I can hear.”

“Yes, but…” Darcie clapped her hands. “Isn’t it wonderful?! That he’s speaking toyou… of all people.”

Charlie scowled. “Of course, he’s speaking to me. I’m the head of my House, and friends with Balthazar!”

“Friends withEyros!” Darcie corrected.

“Yes, well, yes, of course! But, King Daemon, what can I do?” Charlie asked.

“Help Fiona,” Daemon answered dryly.

“Of course! Do you want us to rough them up?” Charlie gestured towards the former Vampires.

“There is no need to lower ourselves, is there?” Daemon asked him.

“Oh, no, they are just…” He broke into a grin. “Humanafter all. They’ll break.” He sobered, and opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped.

“What is it?” Julian asked.

Daemon’s heart thudded heavily in his chest at the sound of Julian’s voice. How he loved hearing it. How he relished Julian assisting him. His fledgling had a softer touch. He was still mortal in his thinking. Closer to his subjects than he was.

“I… there were people from my House that I had to send here. I know that if they… they were against you that they deserve their fate, but… ” Charlie broke off, his forehead furrowing.

“You’re thinking of Jeremy,” Darcie said, the smile that had been dancing on her lips fell away.

Charlie nodded. “Is there any way… I mean… they are human now… I… Can they be turned again? Would you allow it?”

“It depends,” Daemon answered. “We shall see. Their minds will have to be scanned. Eyros will know those who can be saved and those… who we will have to deal with in other ways.”

“Oh, yes, Balthazar is so very good at that!” Charlie beamed.

“And there must be punishment forall,” Daemon said simply.

Charlie’s beam dimmed. Julian looked up at him with a frown. Daemon remained firm. He tightened his grip on Julian’s shoulder.

“They would have harmed you. They would have harmed our friends,” Daemon reminded his fledgling gently.

Still you ask nothing for yourself, Julian. No questions. No concerns.

“I understand,” Julian said, but still looked unhappy.

“It will be an individual process,” Daemon assured them both. “Now clear the square.”

“What of the creatures?” Arcius asked.

The creatures that he had summoned to support his reign moved languidly about the crowd. They sniffed the air. They looked up at the twin moons. They stared at the Spire and the light that shone from its tip.

“Leave them be. They will harm no one,” Daemon stated. “They will go back to their homes in time. Though many will remain near as long as I am here.”

“Of course.” Arcius bowed his head.

“You must make this place sacred once more, Arcius. It will be a beacon for those who wish to come see me,” Daemon explained.

Arcius nodded. “Yes, yes, I can… I must speak with Caemorn.” His lips pressed together. “He will know where the other, long term members of the Order went.”

“Will they want to know Daemon?” Julian asked, looking incredulous. After what he had seen here, why would he trust anyone in the Order. “Can they be trusted?”