Christian hadn’t said that it didn’t matter if Daemon could turn him human, because he wanted to be with Balthazar for eternity anyways! No, Christian hadn’t said that. Christian’s mind waslockedto him as his fledgling did not want him to know his thoughts. The despair was suddenly crushing him, and all he wanted to do was leave.
Why did you do this?He asked Daemon again.
Because they had to know,Daemon responded.
Balthazar swallowed glass, or so it seemed. He looked down into Sophia’s pleading face. At least one person should be with the Mistress they loved so much.
“I will go with Sophia and Caemorn to get Seeyr,” Balthazar said gruffly.
“I wish to go as well,” Christian said, one hand gently on his back.
Of course, you do. You want to see the Ever Dark one last time…He did not say this to his fledgling. He merely nodded tightly.
We must have faith,Daemon murmured.
Have you asked Julian what he wants? No? I didn’t think so. When you find some faith, perhaps you can lend me some!Balthazar answered without turning around.
No, no, don’t make me feel… I love you, Daemon, but I’m so angry with you right now, I can’t… I just can’t!Balthazar sent and shut his mind down.
Daemon would have to pry it open to reach him right now. Unless there was an emergency, he didn’t want to talk.
“C’mon, pet, let’s get your Mistress. Caemorn, keep ahead of me so I can see you at all times,” Balthazar barked.
“Of course.” Caemorn inclined his head. “But what of Vivica?”
He had an eager gleam in his eyes. He wanted payback for being shackled and put on display like that. The very fact that any of these lowlife scum had touched him—had eventhoughtto touch him—was too much for Caemorn. He did not show it on the outside, but his mind was screaming with rage.
“Do you really want to be doling out punishment for those that have done evil to an Immortal before King Daemon sees what you allowed Seeyr to become?” Sophia asked with those big eyes fixed on Caemorn’s face.
Caemorn’s thoughts and his body froze at once. “I did not cause her to be as she is. I merely—”
“Continued to torture her,” Sophia filled in for him helpfully.
Caemorn cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I will prove myself useful.”
“Let's undo some of the harm you’ve done, shall we? I’m sure King Daemon can handle Vivica and everyone here.” Balthazar gestured for him to go first.
Sophia skipped after him with Balthazar and Christian bringing up the rear. He would have enjoyed seeing how these people who had roared for their blood not moments before were completely cowed. They hunkered down, arms over their heads, mewling.
He wanted to kick a few for good measure. But Christian wouldn’t like that. Christian was looked all around them, his eyes mostly going to the sky above their heads with the twin moons and the red beam of light that soared into the sky. His eyes were wide with wonder. He didn’t seem to notice or care about their enemies at all.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t thinking about turning human!Balthazar realized.If his parents were to learn there is a way back, it will be completely over. All those times when I said that there was no way back Daemon never said, “Actually, Eyros, I can turn them human right now!”
But he knew why Daemon hadn’t spoken. He hadn’t wanted Julian to go. He had lied because he knew that there was a real risk Julian could choose humanity then. But, once they were here, Daemon must have realized that he had to use Armageddon and that would open up Pandora’s Box.
Maybe he foresaw something. Speaking of foreseeing, why wasn’t Sophia chirruping something good to him? Like,Oh, Balthazar, once I get my kitties, you and Christian will be so happy to have them in your forever-home! She should have been saying something like that. But she wasn’t! She was skipping with rather dogged determination to get into the Spire. Her mind was completely on Seeyr, not him! She was another one who would leave him.
They passed by the bonfires that were to have given both her and Caemorn their second deaths. She ignored them while Caemorn scowled at the flames as if they were a personal affront. They rather were.
Just as they were entering the huge double arched doors of the Spire, Balthazar saw that Arcius had managed to open the Gate, and the Kaly Vampires and his own House were coming through. But it wasn’t just their allies, and his own House that emerged into view.
Balthazar had a momentary shock as he realized his call to the other Eyros had beenanswered. They were simply pouring into the square. When they caught sight of all the Order members, their expressions changed from shock to confusion to amusement and then to hunger. So many sweet humans for them to feed from! So many old scores to settle! So many prey to chase!
Though Balthazar was still angry with Daemon—and he knew the Vampire King could do this himself—his own pride and friendship for the other Immortal had him sending a command through all their minds,These are the prey of the king! Do not touch unless he gives you permission to! DO NOT SHAME YOURSELVES OR ME!
Head snapped towards him. He felt dozens—no, hundreds of minds—reaching out to him. He embraced them back, but turned them to Arcius, giving the Confessor the ability to touch the minds, too. He hadn’t realized he could quite do that until now.