Thinking of Caemorn now, he felt the same arguments within himself. How many people would Caemorn hurt if he were allowed to go on? Julian didn’t know. It wasn’t that he had killed Julian’s parents out of bloodlust or anything like that. He’d broken with Kaly now so it wasn’t like he was going to kill people again for that Immortal’s benefit. So did he represent a clear and present danger? Julian could accept his Second Death if that was the case. But it wasn’t. It was more complicated than that.
Why couldn’t he just let Caemorn’s fate be decided by others? Why did he have this need to interfere? Dying would be the Preceptor’s just desserts? Right? RIGHT?
But if he dies like this, I will never feel like there is true justice for my parents’ deaths. He will be yet another victim that I won’t be able to hate purely and completely.
He felt Daemon’s eyes upon him, even as Julian’s thoughts were like a squirrel chasing its own tail. The Vampire King knew what he was thinking.
Is it Caemorn’s time to die?Julian asked him.Why did Sophia go with him if it was? And is she in danger?
A mob does not differentiate between the innocent and the guilty,Daemon responded even as one of his hands drifted up and down Julian’s back.
Julian’s eyes widened.So both of them are going to die a Second Death unless we do something, right? I mean we can’t let Sophia get hurt!
If you think you must save Caemorn in order to save Sophia then that is what you must do,Daemon’s voice was even and showed no indication what he wanted one way or the other.
Am I right about that? Julian looked over at Balthazar.
The Vampire Lord seemed as conflicted about Caemorn being killed as he was.
Sophia is very good at taking care of herself. She is too near her goal to fail now,Daemon answered finally.
Yeah, but I can’t just…Julian’s mind voice dropped off. What couldn’t he just? Let Caemorn die?I can’t do it. I can’t just leave him to be killed if I can stop it. Why can’t I?
Daemon gave him a small smile.Because you value life. Even Caemorn’s life.
Will you save him?Julian asked.
In the end, this decision is yours.
Julian let out a huff of air.You’re going to make me choose?
Would you really want me to take the choice from you?
No. No, of course not.
So it is yours.
“Caemorn, as a roasted charcoal briquet… part of me likes that, but another part is conflicted,” Balthazar mused. “Are we really going to let someone else torch him? He may deserve it, but shouldn’t the people he’s actually harmed decide his fate and give him his punishment?”
Fiona had her arms crossed over her chest. “Caemorn has made many enemies. But still, to watch him burn… I find no joy in it” She shuddered.
“We should not allow suchinjustice, King Daemon,” Arcius said gravely. “I am hardly a fan of his, but we cannot let the unthinking mob rule us.”
“Kaly wants him dead in this way. He doesn’t get to choose.” Julian’s eyes narrowed.
That was the answer. This wasKaly’sattempt to silence Caemorn. It wasn’t justice. Caemorn’s death would do nothing to answer for his parents’ deaths. He had to stop this.
Julian found himself striding quickly ahead, actually outpacing Daemon and the others. The creatures that inhabited the Ever Dark formed a horseshoe around their group and the ones at the outer tips actually drew near him so that they were walking beside him as he strode towards Solace and the Spire.
The bonfire’s flames reached high into the night sky as if wanting to touch the stars and moons. Julian half expected Daemon to rush up beside him, put a hand on his shoulder and tell him to slow down, to stay back within the safety of the group like Balthazar was doing with Christian, who clearly wanted to join him. But the Vampire King did not do this.
When he chanced to glance over his shoulder, he saw Daemon walking calmly beside Balthazar and Arcius. He gave Julian a smile of understanding, but his mind was blank. Or rather, Julian could not read his thoughts. Daemon was blocking him from them.
He wants me to do whatever I’m going to do on my own. It’s completely up to me. He wasn’t kidding that it’s my choice. But how much leash do I have before he pulls me back?
Julian knew that he was a complete noob compared to the Vampires likely at Solace. He had managed to use his powers half a dozen times, but really he was in no way proficient. Everything he did was out of instinct. It had served him well so far, but he did know that there was a limit to how much he could do when he was so young and untrained. Yet Daemon allowed him to stride forward, to make a decision about Caemorn’s fate.
He swung back around towards the city and its gleaming Spire. The Ever Dark was amazing. If they weren’t here for a coup, he would have been grabbing Christian by the hand and dragging his best friend everywhere, to look at everything, to experience it all.