Lissette, who had been quiet up until this point, watching and listening to everything as always, stood up then and smiled at everyone as if she were going to give a recital. “We are going to my compound, yes? To use the Gate there to Solace?”

“Cars are waiting for us outside to take us there.” Balthazar gestured towards the front door.

Daemon, however, shook his head and said, “Fiona, you will teleport us. The others will get in the cars and travel that way.”

“Who constitutesus?” Balthazar asked.

“I know that I am part of thatus,” Julian said with a meaningful look at the Vampire King.

“Of course, you are. As are Balthazar, Arcius, and Christian. The others will come through the gate.” Daemon smiled at them.

Fiona looked a little rattled. “You are so certain that I can phase through with so many to Solace? With the Gate closed and–”

Arcius put a hand on her shoulder, stopping the flood of uncertainty. “You can do this, Fiona. I have no doubt about it.”

Caemorn almost rolled his eyes. It was especially hard not to, especially, when she beamed up at the bearded face of the Confessor.

“If we’re ready to go?” Caemorn lifted an eyebrow.

“You were the one stalling,” Balthazar reminded him with a shake of his head.

“And now I’m not,” Caemorn remarked coolly.

“We will meet you in Solace then, King Daemon,” Lissette said with a bow of her head. “I look forward to seeing what the Vampire King can do.”

“And then you will wish to never see it again,” Daemon responded evenly.

Lissette looked at him carefully from under her dark lashes, but she bowed again and headed towards the front door and the cars. All of House Ravenscroft was going, as were all of the Kaly Vampires who allied with them, not to mention a bunch of Mirryr. It was a motley crew, but it was already a larger group than Caemorn had expected. King Daemon attracted people to him like moths to a flame. That attraction would only grow, especially if he took down Solace with this mysterious plan of his.

Caemorn smiled mirthlessly. For once, he would be on the opposite side of his Master, and it would be the side that would suit him best. He would be out from under Artemis’ thumb. He would be free. And he would be with the Vampire he had always felt should have been his Master. Everything was working out. He hoped it would continue to do so.

“Everyone, gather around, and hold hands.” Fiona stuck out her own hands to her sides, taking one of Arcius’ in her right hand and Julian’s in her left. The rest of them each formed a link until they were a giant circle. Even Tarn and Farun had to join the circle with people awkwardly touching their clawed paws. “Here we go.”

Caemorn hated teleporting. There was always this stomach sinking sensation as they moved from one point in space to another. But it was over in a moment, and they were now in the Kaly House Gate to Solace. Caemorn went up to the Gate and cut his thumb with a small blade. He used his blood to draw the ancient symbols thatshouldunlock the Gate, and held his breath. Had his Master gotten ahead of him and barred the way? But the red letters suddenly glowed then faded and the Gate appeared.

Sophia stepped up to his side, swinging her childlike body. She looked like she was going on an outing, rather than on an attempted coup. She grinned up at him and took his hand, which he found odd, but did not reject her. Tarn and Farun stepped up beside them.

Caemorn turned and looked back at King Daemon and said, “I will do all I can to prepare the people for your coming.”

Daemon smiled back at him, his expression though was somehow unreadable. “Tonight, Caemorn, you will find out just how strong you are. And you will earn your place among us.”

Caemorn frowned slightly, but he sensed no lie in the Vampire King’s words. So he simply bowed once more and turned towards the Gate. As one, all four of them stepped through it. Like with the teleportation, there was this sense of movement, but it was more pleasant rather than sickening.

The Gate opened into the very square that he was to gather the people in and convince them of King Daemon’s rightful place as their leader. If he had thought he would need to actually gather the people to meet him there, he was incorrect. The square was completely filled. Hundreds of silver eyes were turned upon him and Caemorn felt a sickening twist of dread.

A murmur became a shout which was, “Get him! Get the traitor! Death to Caemorn!”


“You’ve got to tell me what you’ve got in store for Caemorn!” Balthazar insisted to Daemon. He couldn’t help the wreath of smiles that danced across his lips. “You were practically using a voice that spelled his doom! Not to mention having him go in there with just Sophia! I mean we could have accessed Solace through the Gate with him! So what’s the plan?”

“You are practically rubbing your hands together in glee.” Christian shook his head. “Though he did kill Julian’s parents. So maybe I should be doing that as well. Whatdoyou have in plan for him, Daemon?”

Julian, who had been quite silent about Caemorn in Balthazar’s point of view, straightened up and met their king’s eyes. “I hope it’s something appropriate for what he’s done.”

Daemon cupped Julian’s cheek. “There is nothing that would be enough to make up for what he’s done. Not even a Second Death, but I sense…” Daemon’s red eyes blazed for a moment. “He has yet more to give in this. As to what is awaiting him beyond the Gate,” Daemon smiled almost malevolently at the now closed portal, “it isexactlywhat he has earned in regards to his role as Preceptor.”

“He has been a very bad Preceptor.” Arcius stroked his beard.