“The people who believe in the faith believe in the Order. Whatever jaded view you have is not shared by the majority of vampires,” Arcius argued in that earnest way of his that had always annoyed Caemorn but had that samemajorityswooning. “I had plenty of parishioners come to me and–”

“You were a mere Confessor! I am the Preceptor! I can assure you that the masses are content to believe the pretty lies. None of them want to think too deeply. They only do as I say because of the power I wield… The power that Iwielded,” Caemorn amended quickly with a grimace. Artemis had undoubtedly stripped him of that. “I am sure that everyone on the Council has been contacted by Artemis, and he has turned them against me. The word will have already filtered down to those in the head positions of the Order that I am not to be trusted.”

“And it’s not like your personality won you any followers,” Balthazar muttered from beside Daemon.

It seemed that Balthazar and Daemon were friends. They seemed so very easy together. It annoyed him to see it. Balthazar always made friends easily. He had hoped that Daemon would be more discerning and not fall under the Eyros’ sway.

But we are just getting to know one another. He will see my worth. I may not be charming. I may not be easy, but I am useful.

Yet Caemorn’s head still snapped towards his old nemesis. “And all you’ve ever done is run on your personality, Balthazar! Your charm. Wide as the ocean but deep as a puddle.”

Balthazar laughed. “That’s more than you’ll ever have, Caemorn!”

“I amnotan Eyros, ortheEyros. I cannot charm people. I am what I am. Giving speeches, no matter how good the subject matter, is unlikely to move people. You should send Balthazar in to use his mind control magic on them,” Caemorn suggested. “That does make more sense.”

“Because the moment that Balthazar appears people will attack,” Arcius answered. “Even he cannot instantly take control of all their minds. Not by the Spire in any event. You know quite well how our powers are muted.”

“Yes, well,someability is better than none,” Caemorn muttered.

“Indeed. My king, truthfully we would be better off if he wasn’t known to be on our side.” Balthazar spoke to Daemon who stood by the fireplace, one arm curled around Julian’s broad shoulders. “There are more people who hate him than even tolerate him. Him singing your praises is… well, he’s toxic.”

Christian, who Caemorn admitted that he rather liked, said gently, “Surely, there are some who hold respect for him. He must have skills to have risen to Preceptor. I do not believe that Kaly is behind everything he’s accomplished.” Christian looked down at the diamond that contained the soul that had evidently been stalking him. “He’s skilled. He could be useful.”

“Indeed, I do have skills, but I am telling you all that Artemis has seeded the entirety of the Order with people loyal to him,” Caemorn insisted. “Sending me inside, on my own, to try and argue your case will only lead to my Second Death. I will speak on your behalf once we all go into Solace together. I will support you utterly.”

Daemon had been stroking Julian’s cheek with his free hand, and had not even looked at him during his speech, simply murmured, “You are a strong Vampire, Caemorn. You will get a chance to prove it tonight.”

Caemorn’s lips flattened. “I think you are sending me to my Second Death. No matter how strong I am, I am one Vampire--”

“With two werewolves. You aren’t leaving these things here.” Balthazar flicked a finger at Farn and Tarun that were crouched by a tray of beef the staff had put together for them.

“Yes, well, even so, a mob against three is still a mob.” He looked Daemon boldly in the eye. “I am not a coward, and I am strong, but if you do not want my help, let me know now so that I might prepare myself.”

Daemon turned to look at him then. Those red eyes, the same as he had seen in the Night Hag and the other creatures in the Ever Dark, were fixed upon him, and he found himself going numb. The urge to drop to his knees and bow his head until his forehead touched the floor filled him. But he forced himself to remain upright, and there was an amused smile on the Vampire King’s face.

“Admit what you are truly afraid of, Caemorn,” Daemon said simply. “That no one respects you. That no one truly sees you as Preceptor, but in name only. Strip that title away, and you are not the leader of the Order, or of anything. That what Arcius could do with simple words, you could not do with your two werewolves or your powerful weapons. That since there is the scent of blood in the water that none will come to your aid. Those are the things that scare you.”

Caemorn went rigid. He could not hide the hurt and defensiveness he felt. King Daemon was not saying these things unkindly, but as simplefacts. And that made them devastating. “I did not rise through the ranks without making some enemies. Friendships are weaknesses. See what happened to Arcius because of his friendship with Balthazar. He is an exile!”

“I think you should look at Fiona. She ended up serving in the Order, but it wasn’t at all what she thought it was. She came here, chose exile so that she would have some friends,” Julian pointed out with a scowl.

“You are a Boy Scout! Youwouldthink that. But the people you admire so much have been on the outside. Absent Daemon’s appearance, they wouldstillbe on the outside.” Caemorn pointed out.

“Better that than on the inside like you and Kaly’s marionette,” Balthazar said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Christian patted his shoulder, but then turned towards Caemorn. “You’re here now too, Caemorn. I think that you’re taking this assignment the wrong way.”

“Going back to Solace on my own through the Gate and asking people to follow the Vampire King?” Caemorn’s eyebrows rose. “Am I missing something?”

“Fiona told us that many of the people who are at Solace now have been impressed into the Order. They were forced to be part of it. They feel no great loyalty to it yet. They are doing what they must because they’ve been kicked out of their Houses, correct?” Christian asked.

Caemorn really did like Christian. Unlike his best friend, he looked at things logically and understood that reason topped emotion every day. “That is true.”

“They have no one and nothing. I imagine that they are seeking someplace to belong, something to define them. The Order hasn’t yet gotten their loyalty, as this is new, isn’t it? I imagine many of them are looking for solutions, and some place to truly belong,” Christian pointed out. “You don’t have to inspire them with pretty speeches. You just have to lay out the facts that appeal to you about joining Daemon. If they want to be on the right side of this, they need to join the king. Your Master’s betrayal is what brought you here. They’ve been betrayed by their Masters too. Their whole Houses abandoned them. Tell them that the only person they owe loyalty to is the one that wants them. King Daemon.”

Caemorn tapped his lower lip. “But I would be denigrating my own power. I am the Preceptor of the Order.”

Julian rolled his eyes. “Oh, please! You’re the ruler ofnothing. Right now you’re a simple Vampire who has no friends, no Master, no House and you have a price on your head. You’re asking us for help. Do you really think that you’re going to remain Preceptor of the Order after this?”