Page 94 of One Wild Ride

If Tiffany was behind this, she was smart enough to get someone much taller to help. And the bag wasn’t transparent which made this feel like a real kidnapping.

The guy pushing me halted. “What about Tiffany? What does she have to do with this?”

“I don’t even know what this is? Tiffany is Aria’s friend. She tried to help me a few days ago thinking I was being forced into marriage. She tried to kidnap me, much in the same way you are doing now. Only she’s a lot shorter and not as good at it as you. She seemed to enjoy doing it, though. I thought maybe she was trying again,” I said and knew I was babbling.

His grip loosened and I heard the guy chuckle. “Yeah, I can see her doing something like that.”

“What? So, she is in on this—” I couldn’t finish what I said as I was pushed inside something. I fell on what felt like a cushioned seat.

When I heard a motor start, I knew I was in a car. The guy had tied my hands behind my back and arranged me in the seat before he closed the door.

“Aria! Are you here?” I said.

“Oh, you won’t be seeing her again. I don’t think Mrs. Hawthorne would like that.” I heard the guy say from in front of me.

My head jerked back as the car moved forward.

Now, I didn’t care if Aria never wanted to marry me, I only wanted her to be safe. Even if it meant she was without me.