If so, that’s a really crazy coincidence she happened to be here to help me. Maybe Evaleen was right about Grace, she’s a weird stalker-like person.
“I didn’t like what they were doing to you. It’s not right,” she said as she waved toward the chapel.
“Were you inside when we came in? I wish I had known but I didn’t see you.”
“I don’t have time to explain, I need you to come with me.”
Grace glanced over my shoulder and her eyes widened. Before I could turn my head to see what was happening, she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. She was surprisingly strong for someone so petite.
We ran in the opposite direction of what she had seen, to the end of the alley. Once we got there, we were met with a large black SUV and Alexa holding the door open for us. I hopped in as Alexa got in behind me and shut the door.
Grace hopped into the driver’s seat and took off just as I buckled myself in. There was someone in the passenger seat in the front and when he turned I gasped.
“Alex? Did you do this?” I asked.
I was confused. Did he not want to marry me, too? I could understand why, given his family background, but then why did he propose?
“No, Grace did. She saw what was happening and decided to help.” Alex turned his head to watch Grace as she focused on the Las Vegas streets while maneuvering the vehicle.
His eyes seemed to soften and he reached over to place a hand on her shoulder. The hairs stood on the back of my neck. Why was he touching her?
“Grace. Why are you here?” I said and I didn’t care if everyone could hear the edge in my tone.
I could see her dark eyes flicker up to the rearview mirror. She heard me but there was silence.
“Aria, I wanted to wait to tell you until we got somewhere safe.” Alex turned in his seat with a pained expression on his face.
He never wanted to marry me. This was all a setup to get out of marrying Alexa or to get back at his mother or something.
How could I be so stupid not to see it? Alex is a Hawthorne and Hawthornes are some fucked-up people. That’s saying something considering my family.
Was Alex using me all this time? Were all his words a lie? And how did he drag poor Grace into all this? Probably saw how she looked at him in the elevator back at Mimir and decided to use her, too.
I felt sick and I had no way out of this car. I went from one trap to another.
“What is it, Alex? Just tell me. I’d rather hear honesty than lies.” I wiped at the lone tear as it slid down my cheek.
I pushed back into my seat and folded my arms—the only protection I had for what was about to come. Heartache. Loss.
I will never give my heart to any man again, no matter how much he understands the need to express beauty through art. Was that a lie, too?
“Grace is my twin sister, Aria. My mother wasn’t lying. She was at the chapel when we arrived. I finally got to meet her.”
My eyes danced between Alex and Grace. Tiny Grace and big Alex. How could they possibly be brother and sister? But then I saw it.
Their nose was the same and their cheekbones. They even had the same dark hair. The only differences, other than height, was eye color and skin pigment. Alex had skin like caramel while Grace’s skin was light, creamy.
“I have my mother’s complexion,” Grace said as if reading my mind.
“I, uh, I can see that. You two just met?” I asked, not really knowing what to say.
“Yes. Grace actually knew for a while but Mom told her it wasn’t safe to tell anyone, even me. That’s why she stared at me when she met me at Mimir. She knew but couldn’t say anything.”
“It’s not easy keeping secrets but, as our mom said, it can be for the best to reveal them at the right time.”
Sounds like something Mrs. Hawthorne would say. Now I felt bad for Grace. Here I was, believing she was creepy and worse, after my man, but she only wanted to know her brother.
“Don’t you have parents, Grace? Didn’t they ever tell you about your real family?” I had a million questions in my head and barely knew where to start.
She sighed as she maneuvered the SUV away from the bright lights of Vegas and into the dark desert.
“Not really. Yes, I was adopted when I was a kid. But they didn’t really love me. I was just an unpaid servant to them. You have no idea how happy I was when my real mother contacted me. It may sound silly but I always dreamed my real parents would come for me.”
I noticed her knuckles whiten on the steering wheel before she continued, “When Emma, oh, I mean, Mom. That’s so weird to say still, after everything that’s happened. Anyway, when she told me about my family, my brother,” Grace turned her head to give a quick smile to Alex before focusing back on the road, “I wanted to run off and be with them. But then she told me why I was adopted and that I had to keep it secret, I was willing to do that for my real family. I would do anything for that kind of love.”
“Grace, I’m so sorry you had people treat you like that. We seem to be a car full of misfits. All our parents only cared about was using us for personal gain,” I said and let go of a cynical laugh.
“That’s why I had to get you all out of there. I overheard Mom talking to the other two men about marrying you, Alex, to Alexa,” Grace said pointing to Alex. “The things they said. It was crazy what they planned to do. No, this wasn’t the family I had in mind. I knew Alex was a good person and figured Alexa was too, so I snuck them out a side door while their parents continued to talk.”
“I wanted to come get you but Grace said it wasn’t safe. She decided to help you escape. So here we are.” Alex smiled at me as if everyone in this car was the perfect family.