I was back to being confused.
“Marry who?”
“Alexa. That girl you told me about. I guess she’s a woman now. Alexa Dorton.” Aria’s beautiful face scrunched up in pain.
“No, oh, Aria. No. Is that what you thought? That my mother brought me here to marry her?” I brushed my thumb across her cheek to wipe away her tears.
“Yes, of course. I read her Christmas card to you. She mentioned that she heard her parents talking on the phone with your mom. That this was the year you two were to marry. That you had your inheritance and she would be getting her master’s in education in June. You two would be free to marry.”
I blinked for a moment as what she told me sunk in.
“You figured out our code?” I asked.
Aria nodded. “Yes. I took some Navajo in college. I knew enough to figure out a few words and looked up the rest.”
“Wow, that’s just . . . wow. And here I thought I was being so clever when I came up with the plan. Who knew I would one day meet a woman who could outsmart me.”
She smiled and her eyes glittered with unshed tears and mischief. “And more beautiful and sexier. And more—”
“And more than I could hope to ask for.”
We kissed for a few minutes before Aria pulled away with confusion etching her features. “So, if you aren’t in Vegas to marry Alexa, then why are you here?”
“To meet my twin sister,” I said just as the door opened and in walked three women.
“That’s not how we kidnap someone, Aria,” Tiffany said as she clasped her hands over her eyes. Evaleen covered her mouth and ran into the bathroom. Morgana winked at Aria before giggling and turning her back to us.