Page 74 of One Wild Ride

I followed into the small two-level home with a very lived in feel. And by lived in, I mean not updated in thirty years.

Ms. Austin brought Alex into the kitchen, completely bypassing Morgana’s father, brother Daniel, and Daniel’s date in the living room watching baseball.

A slightly aged version of Morgana with graying red hair stood over a pot on the stove, stirring.

“Annette, Aria is here and she brought something very delectable,” Ms. Austin said as she squeezed Alex’s arm.

Morgana’s mom turned, her smile was wide and loving and shone with affection.

“Oh, Aria, I’m so glad you came. And could this be a special someone?” She walked over and clasped Alex’s hand. “Hi, I’m Annette, Morgana’s mom.”

“Special someone? Annette, you do know that Aria is gay.” Ms. Austin paused for a moment before turning to me. “It is still gay, isn’t it? I can still say that, right? It’s not another name like non-straight or same-sexual or something?”

“Aria’s isn’t homosexual,” Alex said and blew out a chuckle.

Morgana’s grandmother narrowed her eyes and was about to explain her reality to Alex when Morgana’s father walked in the kitchen.

“Are you Alex?” Morgana’s father, with his tall, burly body filled the doorway and glared at Alex.

“Yes, I’m Alex.” He stood a little straighter in the presence of Mr. Drake’s intimidating stance.

“Your mom’s here.” Just as Morgana’s dad said the words a hand, covered in jeweled rings, pressed on his arm causing him to turn.

“Thank you so much . . . uh, oh, I don’t believe I caught your name?” Alex’s mom appeared uncomfortably close to Mr. Drake, causing that big bear of a man to turn crimson.

“It’s James.”

“And I’m Annette, his wife,” Morgana’s mom said, her tone curt.

Alex’s mom ignored her and moved into the kitchen. Her gray eyes scrutinized the room causing her lips to purse.

“Thank you for inviting me into your very humble home. I’m Emma Hawthorne, Alex’s mom. Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I realized I forgot to tell my son something very important and since I am leaving in the morning, it just couldn’t wait.” She clasped her hands and refused to look anyone in the eye.

“There’s a great invention called a cell phone,” I mumbled.

“What was that, Aria?” Alex’s mom said as she lowered her eyes to me.

I was about to tell her it was nothing when Morgana’s grandma piped up.

“She said there’s an invention called a cell phone. Unless cell phones are too bourgeoisie for you?” She arched her brow and in that moment, I never loved Ms. Austin more.

“Yes, well, this is something that needed to be told in person.” Mrs. Hawthorne sneered at Morgana’s grandmother before turning to face Alex.

“This couldn’t have waited until later?” Alex said under his breath as his mom came up to him.

“No, it couldn’t.” She glanced over to Morgana’s father who had been staring wide-eyed at her for the entire conversation. “James, I hate to be a bother but is there somewhere I could speak to my son in private?”

“Yes, of course, you can use Morgana’s old room. It’s now my weight room,” he said as he flexed his arms.

Alex and his mom followed Mr. Drake out of the kitchen as I heard Mrs. Hawthorne say, “Oh, James, is that why your arms are so big?”

I nearly threw up in my mouth.

“What a manipulative bi—” Morgana’s grandma said before she was cut off by Morgana’s mom.

“I really don’t like that woman. Come with me, ladies.”

Morgana’s mom took us up the stairs and into a room that was decorated for Christmas before shutting the door.