Now I really couldn’t move. I lifted my head and sank into those molten eyes. “Give me a moment, dream girl. You feel too good to rush.”
Her lips curled. “Dream girl?”
“Yes, you are the woman of my dreams. Therefore, you are my dream girl.”
“I like that.”
I did too, and slowly, I began to move. The heat from between her thighs and how she gripped me…. I didn’t expect to last long.
And the way she squirmed made my impending release turn from a crawl to a race. I had to grab Aria’s hands and pin them down with my own. After a moment, I decided to change our position and pulled her back to the edge of the bed so I stood between her thighs. I lifted her legs so they shot up and over my shoulders.
That was better. I could watch her, feel her, and make her come anytime I wanted. Moving my thumb to her clit, I slowed my thrusts. Even though I really wanted to speed them up because her pussy was so nice to slip and slide in and out of.
“I’m going to have you come all over my cock,” I said and felt her pussy spasm.
That was my answer because Aria’s words were nonsensical groans now.
It didn’t take much from playing with her until I could feel her tighten around me.
“Come for me, dream girl,” I told her and she obeyed like the breathtaking woman that she was.
“Oh, yeah, Alex. Fuck me,” Aria said through gritted teeth as her head flung to the side and she arched her back.
This was irresistible. Watching her submit and tighten around me was too much. My balls tensed and I had to drop her legs as I bent over letting my orgasm take me.
The rush was intense and better than any orgasm I had ever had. I jerked my hips twice more, pushing into Aria a few more times before the fantasy ended.
I tried to support my body above hers as my muscles gave way. My chest tightened as I felt her arms and legs circle around me.
Aria was more than a dream; she was that first intake of air on a warm spring morning. She was the moment when I first walked up to The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh and noticed the tiny strokes of oil, astonished that it created such beauty. Aria was that most powerful experience that had me chancing the feeling again, despite knowing it couldn’t be duplicated. She’s that sensation, only I get to hold it, touch it, and revel in it anytime I want.
“Now I know why people seem to like sex so much,” I mumbled into her neck as her throat rumbled with laughter.
I wanted to bury myself in the soft skin right below her ear but she moved and I rolled away to give her the space she required.
“That was epic,” she said and my smile was so wide I didn’t even care how goofy I looked.
“It was. Fully agree.” I nodded staring at the ceiling before turning my head to her. “So, when do we do it again?”
I was being honest. What happened, just now between us, was mind blowing and I only wanted to stay in this bed so I could fuck her until we both passed out from exhaustion.
“Hold up, cowboy. We need to rest in between. Besides, it’s going to take you a bit of time to get hard again.”
I turned on my side and traced her body with my fingers. When I got to her nipples she gasped. But it was when my fingers drifted down and sunk into her still swollen folds between her thighs that I realized she didn’t need time to get back in the mood.
“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life,” I said and never meant it as a question. Despite her answer in the form of another orgasm on my fingers.