Page 103 of One Wild Ride



6 Months Later

Aria loved me.

At least, that’s what she told me every day. And when I told her I was taking her on a trip to a secluded tropical island for the last two weeks of December, she said she loved me then, too.

Even now, as we sit and watch the waves crash on the beach, sitting under palm trees on a double lounger that fit both of us, she whispered those words.

“I love you, too,” I told her and tried to control my hand as it trembled reaching to push a few strands of bright blond hair out of her face.

I couldn’t handle the pressure. Every time she told me she loved me, my throat tightened and I wanted to run into the ocean to get away.

“Is anything wrong, Alex? You look nervous.”

Forcing a smile, I shook my head. “No, of course not. This is our dream remember?”

My cheeks felt like they were going to crack as I held the grin. She nodded and sat back, gazing at the waves once again.

I deflated in relief that she bought it. It was a lie and she believed me. But for how long?

A male voice came from the side of our lounger. “Would you like to order drinks, maybe a snack?”

It was the butler that came with the home we rented on the island. He’s a nice guy. Very accommodating and seemed to know our needs before we did. But I’m not ready yet.

I mean, yes, technically, everything is in place, but emotionally, I didn’t think I was ready yet.

Aria started to say something but I cut her off. “No, Tyler, not just yet. I’m still full from breakfast.”

I chuckled as Aria knitted her brow.

“Maybe I want something. I’ll have the—” Aria said as I sat up cutting her off from Tyler both verbally and physically.

“No, don’t. I, uh, we should do something first. Like sex. We should totally have sex.” I sort of half-frowned half-smiled.

Everyone was quiet.

“I’ll come back later,” Tyler said and I heard sounds of sand shifting as he scurried off.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Aria reached over, placing her hand on my forehead.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “It’s just, I’ve been thinking. With everything that has happened to us, and even your friends, this year, I wonder if we should have more sex.”

My words were broken. Nothing coming out of my mouth made sense.

“I like the part about having more sex but what does that have to do with what happened this year? And if you really wanted to get me in the mood, you’d feed me first. Hence, why we should have ordered when Tyler was here. You know I’m easy when it comes to good food.”

I groaned. She was too good. Even when we got home from being kidnapped by my mom this past summer, she insisted on finishing the mural. Even if I only used that mural as an excuse to get near her, she wanted it there to reflect our crazy journey together.

It somehow changed as she finished painting it. There were still elements of old master paintings but instead of it being a history of art, it was a car on a highway with art along for the ride.

“This is hard,” I said as I pounded a fist on the thick striped padding that covered the chair.

“No, it’s not,” Aria said as she stared at my swim trunks.

“I mean this. Us.” I gave up trying to delay. It was time.