Present Day
“I love you.” I stared at the elevator wall.
It’s silent. Which was what I expected as it’s a wall.
Sighing, I shook out my hands. They’re clammy and I feared I’d be too gross to kiss when I’m finished with my speech.
It’s been a week and a half since Morgana’s party. When Alex’s mom left her parents’ house, I asked Alex what she said and he explained he would tell me later.
He has yet to say anything. That’s why I’m here, riding up the elevator to his place. I came to the decision last night. Sitting in the kitchen with Morgana, eating some cake from Morgana’s favorite bakery, I realized that I needed to stop running. Since today is my birthday and I’m officially thirty years old, I figured there was no more using the ‘I’m in my twenties, I’m too young to fall in love’ excuse anymore.
I had to tell Alex I loved him.
It’s not so much the telling him that had my hands feeling like giant slippery otters, it’s his reaction. I knew, logically, he found me attractive and had a crush on me for years . . . But now that he knew me, had taken his time to witness all my flaws, would I hold a candle to the image he painted in his head of me so long ago?
Despite what his mother told him before and during the party, I couldn’t help but believe that Alex was stronger than her words. Besides, we had sex every chance we got. If he didn’t have feelings for me anymore then he would end things, not keep trying to bring me to orgasm.
The door opened and the sight of the paintings, the same masterpieces that captivated me all those months ago, gave me hope. They reminded me of Alex—so vibrant, almost magical, and could easily take my breath away with its power.
When I arrived at the front door it opened automatically. It still gave me the chills knowing no one was behind it. Once I started to paint Alex’s mural he added me to his list of approved people that the door would open for.
The mural had yet to be finished. It’s not that I’m a slow painter but in order to trick Alex’s mom into thinking I was only coming over to paint, I took my time with the mural.
“Alex!” I raised my voice to let him know I was here.
Listening for a response I heard nothing. Perhaps he was in the shower. My lips curved at the thought of joining him.
As I made my way to the bedroom I found it empty, as well as his bathroom. I turned and was stopped by a hard wall covered in a white button-down shirt.
I pulled back and realized it was Bradley. His usual scrutinizing gaze was unusually soft as it fell on me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
“Alex asked me to watch his place while he’s gone.”
I sucked in a breath a little too fast and started to cough. It took a moment but I finally regained my composure. “You? Why would Alex ask you?”
My heart began pounding in my chest as none of this made sense. Where would he go? And why Bradley?
I thought back to when I saw him two days ago, the last time he stayed at my new place. Alex never mentioned going anywhere.
“He knew I could handle any security issues that came up. If you haven’t noticed, he has millions of dollars’ worth of art in his home.”
That did make sense. Perhaps Alex just needed to travel for a short time. That’s when a thought creeped into my head.
What if he’s finding us somewhere to stay on some tropical island somewhere like we dreamed? I bet that’s why he hasn’t told me anything. It’s a surprise.
Maybe he told his mother he was leaving before Morgana’s party and that’s why she showed up at the party to talk him out of it. He didn’t tell me because it would ruin the surprise.
I turned my back to Bradley so he couldn’t see my smile.
“I guess that makes sense. When will Alex be back?” I asked but my mind raced with images of tropical beaches and eating fresh fish in the warm breeze.
“I don’t know. He left this note for you.”