Page 50 of Dirty Secret

"I'm your father, Heidi. You can't treat me like that." My father stood as I stopped and gazed back at him. His face was red and for the first time, he seemed small. All the power he had collected over the years had aged him. He's not the man I made him out to be. I had told myself he did all this to protect his family, but that's not true. It was to protect himself. The only thing he loved more than money and power was himself.

"That's the thing, Dad, I don't care because I am completely done talking to you." Several eyes focused on me. "I have played your game for so long, and it took a gentleman with calloused hands and a big heart to show me that I'm better than that. I'd rather not have a single cent to my name and have love surround me with Max and his family, then spend one more second in the twisted life you enmeshed our family. No more bribes or threats or favors. I'm your daughter, not a political enemy. You should love me for who I am, not because it can gain you a vote or line your pockets with more money that you don't even need. Until you can understand that, Dad, I don't think I can see you anymore."

Taking a deep, liberating breath, I walked away. I made it a few steps before I heard the attorney general's voice behind me. "Senator White, these men are to escort you away. There have been charges filed against you. You are wanted for fraud, improper use of campaign funds, bribery, and various corruption charges. Come with us."

People gasped. I heard my father sputter that there was some mistake, but I knew he wouldn't struggle or make a scene. He was too proud to do that.

As a caring daughter, I should run to him, but he had chipped away at that love for a long time. Like I told him moments ago, I was done. Am I surprised he was being arrested? No. Did I care? Yes. He's still my father, but right now I needed to be free from his sick life.

I left the ballroom and shoved past the reporter from earlier. He must have known something was to go down here tonight with my father. Why else would a reporter convince his newspaper to send him to a five-thousand-dollar-a-plate gala?

When I strolled into the kitchen, it was partly back to order. Water wasn't spraying anywhere, and the affected area was small, forcing the staff to only use three-quarters of the kitchen instead of the whole thing. I found Max with his tuxedo jacket off, his bowtie removed, and the top of his shirt unbuttoned with his sleeves rolled up.

His hands were wet, greasy, and I didn't think I had ever seen him look sexier. I'd run up and give him a big kiss, but he was leaning against a counter talking to a man and a woman. Recognition enveloped me like a wet blanket as I realized the woman he was talking to was Nadyia Goldman.

As much as I loved Max, I hoped he would still speak to me after I embarrass him while fangirling all over Nadyia.

"Oh my God, your Nadyia Goldman! I am such a huge fan. I knew you would win when you were on Chef Apprentice. You were the best baker by far in that competition." I flapped my hands in front of myself to add that little extra touch of humiliation to our exchange.

She smiled. Her smooth, dark, and might I add, glowing skin crinkled around her eyes. "That was fun to do. But my fellow bakers challenged me. I think we each brought something to the table, and I am a better baker for it."

She's humble, too. I loved her. "If I weren't straight, I'd marry you. And we'd live in a house you baked to perfection." As everyone's eyes widened, I leaned over to Max and whispered, "I said that out loud, didn't I?"


Ugh. I covered my face with my hands.

"You're Senator White's daughter, aren't you? Heidi, right?" the man said in a blatant attempt to gloss over the fact that I just proposed marriage to a stranger with promises of baked goods.

Lowering my hands, I gave a meek nod. "Yes, he's being arrested right now. The attorney general is taking him away."

"What?" everyone said at once.

"My father. He's wanted by the FBI. They're taking him away in handcuffs."

"Excuse me." The man shuffled past me and out the double doors of the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" I felt a warm hand on my back and the weight of the evening vanished as I gazed up into those gorgeous blue eyes.

Max. The man I loved. The man who loved me. The man that woke me from my terrible dream.

"I think I'm in shock, actually. We fought right before he was arrested. Maybe that's why I have no filter right now." I twisted the corner of my mouth before turning toward Nadyia. "I'm sorry for the marriage proposal . . . Don't tell your boyfriend or significant other, please. I wouldn't want them to think I was coming on to you."

Nadyia rolled her eyes, and it was surprisingly endearing. "Wish I had time for a boyfriend. I think I take all my sexual frustrations out on my baked goods."

I coughed as Max's body stiffened in my embrace.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" Nadyia said as a bead of sweat rolled down her brow.

"Yes, you did. We should team up and go on tour. The no-filter, traveling, uh—"

"Pastry chefs!" Max added.

Warmth bloomed on my face. "She's the chef, I've just gone to pastry school."

"Really? Where did you go?" Nadyia stepped closer.

"I was in The Academy of Cuisine pastry program but didn't complete it. I didn't have a chance to do an apprenticeship." I waved my hand acting like it wasn't a big deal.