"That's it, dirty girl. Do you want more?"
I've never spoken like that to other women, but Heidi brought something out in me. Something wild and I couldn't hold back.
Back and forth, I shifted as her lips curled. A tear slipped out of her eye and I swiped it with my thumb, bringing it to my lips.
She couldn't wait her turn and it's not like I could blame her. Heidi moved her free hand past the edge of her tiny shorts and shifted her hips as she sucked on me.
My knees almost buckled, but I managed to stay upright when the rumble in Heidi's throat and her hand tightening around my cock made me realize she was coming.
"That's it."
I barely got the words out before I released into her mouth. My head fell forward, and it took a few minutes for my heart to stop beating wildly in my ears.
Her face was bright and pink as she sat back on her legs. "You look beautiful." I wanted to say more but not all the blood supply had made it back to my head yet.
I helped her up, kissing her on her return to her feet. We both were smiling. The last time another person made me this happy was when Kat was born.
I would pay the keeper of time every cent I had if I could make this moment, with Heidi in my arms, last forever.
But our smiles soon faded as a loud and very distinct noise stopped all laughter.
I released Heidi, and she stepped away to the sink to wash her hands so quickly that I had to wonder if our kiss ever happened. A loud rumble came from the hallway.
"We're home," Kat announced and before I said a word, something small but powerful tackled me from the side.
"Dad! Are you cooking?" Kat asked with her long arms clinging to my waist and she gazed at the faux-wood laminate counter.
"No," I said at the same time Heidi said, "Yes."
"Well, which is it? No or yes? As it seems someone is making something." My dad, ever the keen observer, pointed to the circle-shaped dough.
"What I mean is, I'm helping Heidi with, uh . . .."
"A new recipe. I'm testing it out on your father," Heidi said as she dried her hands on the towel that hung from the oven handle. I was thankful she was eager to help me cover my surprise.
Kat's hands rubbed together, trying to peer past us to the dough rolled out on the counter.
"Oh, can I help? I can be the taster." Her brows moved up and down.
"You all have fun with taste testing, but I got to run. Have a hot date with an old client of mine."
This was the first I was hearing of a date. I made the mistake of stepping away from the counter and toward my dad.
I needed my dad to answer a few important questions before this date. "Where are you two going? Have I met this woman?"
My father chuckled and waved before leaving.
"What was that? He didn't even answer my questions?"
"Maybe because he's a grown man and older than you. Let him go and have fun." Heidi shrugged her shoulders and began to pinch the dough.
"Oh, are you making pie? I love pie." Kat reminded me about the point of this whole lesson—if it really was a lesson anymore. I'd question my father later tonight, but now I had to save this situation from unraveling into a pie fiasco.
I scanned the kitchen, and that's when a red container, seated on the top corner of the black refrigerator, caught my eyes.
"We were going to ask you if you wanted to try some when we were done, but there're raisins in it." I walked over, plucking the container of raisins from the top of the fridge, and presenting it like a statue to my daughter.
Her eyes rounded as she frowned. "On second thought . . . I think I have some homework to do. I'll be upstairs."