
I wonder if Marina might like being his queen rather than mine. Pretty sure he won’t need her to help him budget while hefinishes school and comes home smelling like sweat and hand sanitizer every day.

“That’s him at full power, when he used to terrorize the mortal world. His human face, you could say. What he looks like as a demon—a demon risen way too soon without proper regeneration? Your guess is as good as mine. But I’m betting on big and ugly.”

“Oh, goody.”

EVERYTHING IS FADING. Some little voice inside says that I should fight, but I don’t. If I fight, I could live longer—and he can use me for another minute, another hour. He said a day, but I doubt that I have that long, not after he stole the first true fullness I’ve had in hundreds of years.

So I fade, silent, eyes closed, pretending I don’t hear Koshchei’s raspy breath near me, that I don’t feel his red eyes glaring.

“I will kill your human consort, then, and take you by force.”

“What?” I yelp, sitting up with a wince, eyes flying wide open.

“It is nearly noon, and you haven’t agreed to my generous offer. Now, I will use all but the last little bit of your energy to find the boy and slay him. And I’ll feed you his soul, whether you like it or not. I figure you’d rather have it than let me swallow him whole.”

“I— we’re in the middle of the sea. You can’t get him from here unless you turn and go back to Pine Ridge.”

“We’re almost to the sea, but not yet. I can stop and turn— ifyouwon’t save him. This is the juncture of the river and the sea, little rabbit. Simply break your bond. Say you return to your creator. I have... What do the humans call it? First refusal? Yes, I have first refusal of your soul. You stole it from me and gave itto another. Give it to me now, or I’ll turn and kill him, and make you watch.”

I almost break in my sudden panic to protect Kevin.

Kev wouldn’t panic. He’s steady. Been steady through all of this, the shore that never changes, even when the river rages.

Koshchei won’t last long enough to hurt him. I won’t last long enough. Especially not if I...I look around for a weapon in the dark little box of a room. I’m not sure if I would win in a fight against him, but I’m willing to exhaust both of us—to death.

“I... I will need more time to think,” I whisper.More time to think about how to break you, when you’re nothing but bones made of marble, and I’m soft. Always been so lush and soft.

A smile chases over my lips. Kev liked me soft.

“I will give you a few minutes, no more. You’ve pushed me to my limit, rusalka.”

“Good.”Make him mad. Make him attack, use up his strength, that’s a start...

“Don’t try me. I can be a merciful lord or the very opposite.”

My hands brace against the wall, down behind my back. “You were nevermylord. You were a captor. Apimp, that’s what my lover calls you.” I smile and lock my calf muscles as they screech in protest. “You were not a king, notmyking, and you never will be.”

“Don’t set yourself up as something powerful, little pawn. Just because you’re currently needed, doesn’t mean you aren’t a disgrace.”

When I stand, everything goes dark on the edges of my vision for a minute, but my voice is slow and steady. I think I’m still smiling, too, because I feel... I feel like Kev is with me, believing in me as I become the person he always saw. His badass mermaid. Not a demon temptress. His beloved wife. His queen. “Not a pawn. Queen. And a real queen will sacrifice for her people!” I hurl myself forward, sharp teeth sinking into theskin that’s starting to encase his chest, nails clawing, and legs pumping as hard as they can to kick at him and keep swatting, pushing, and generally knocking off-balance.

I’m doing a good job, judging by the way the boat suddenly rocks hard and tips forward like some giant is holding us down.

“PERFECT!” JANET CROWSand thumps Leo on the back. “U.S. Army training and werewolf eyesight. Best combo ever!”

I can’t breathe. I can see the boat ahead of us, a sporty little blue and white yacht with the name Mohawk Maiden 34 on the side. The blast from the handheld anti-tank gun or baby bazooka, whatever, glanced off the waterline and cut a gray and black gash in the craft. Water’s going in. Boat’s starting to drop down faster than I thought possible.

But it’s not a twisted burning heap of metal, so I’ll take it.

“I’ll lead the water-based attack. Some of the selkies and kelpies will have caught up to us by now,” Calder cries and slides into the water.

“Come on.” Leo grabs my arm. “We’ll wait until our boat is closer and then we’ll take on Big K.”

“Shouldn’t I have a weapon?” I shout.

“This one. Duh.” Janet rolls her eyes and passes me the blazing hot MANPAT that still has a haze of smoke coming from its mouth. “That’ll be enough to put a hole in him. We’ll figure out the rest from there.”