Air. Desperately needed, but reluctantly sought.
Marina joins me, voice a needy purr. “Here, farther down there’s a bend that’s perfect.”
And sure enough, twenty feet away, the river gets deep, but the bank bumps out, and Marina leans me against the cool grass before sinking below.
It’s almost eerie watching her move like a ghost in the water, seeing white limbs floating, then wrapping around my legs. Shelooks up at me with a smile, showing her razor-sharp teeth while her long, curling tongue licks her lips.
I wonder how many men saw this as the last thing before they died.
The thought erases when her mouth envelops my cock and I get to watch the show, entranced as I straddle the world between air and water.
Her mouth sucks and swallows around me, greedy, deep gulps that pull my entire cock into her mouth and down her throat. “Fuck,” I moan, slightly worried that she’s going to gag on me and those teeth will slice down.
But that doesn’t happen. Marina stares up, a smile in her wide-open eyes as she places her lips right against my abdomen, cock still snug in her mouth.
Guess not breathing isn’t really an issue when your girl is a water-dwelling entity. I jump when the tip of her long tongue darts out and keeps unspooling, wrapping around my balls and starting to tug in rhythm of her suction.
My eyes roll back. It’s like two mouths in one woman, one on my sack, one on my cock, and I’m dizzy with the sensation. I think every guy at some point dreams about having two women—and if he’s smart, he immediately realizes that he’s not Superman and can’t handle the pressure of getting two women off.
But I’m living that fantasy in the best way possible. One woman I love, but double the sensation. I’m spoiled. Grateful. I pull her off (not smart, I could have gotten all cut up on those teeth!) before she makes me explode.
“I wasn’t done!” Marina protests, head above water and breathing without a single gasp.
“ButIwas about to be! That was intense. Two mouths—or one mouth and one tongue, so like two mouths,” I shake my head, shivering as the cool water replaces her warm mouth.The water’s not too cold, though. I’m sure that it should be. It’s the end of September, and we’re in the mountains. “Do the fae control the water temperature, too? And the moonlight?” I ask. I also need to ask what the heck a “fae” is, but I just figure it’s magical.
“Not truly, no—but sometimes you can magnify what is already in nature. Enhance it,” Marina smiles.
She doesn’t need any enhancing. In the water, where she’s supposed to be, she’s even more stunning than when she’s on land. I feel a guilty pang for asking her to live life in an apartment.
“Buy you a house someday. On a lake,” I murmur the words, dreaming out loud.
Marina shakes her head. “I don’t need that. I only need you. And this.” She clutches both hands between those big, perfect breasts, a tiny circle of blue and silver catching a slant of moonlight. “No one has ever made me such a promise. Worked so hard to love me. To save me.”
“Shh. No trouble, baby. I would have done it anyway. Do it again and again,” I promise, pulling her close. I’ll never tire of the way her wet skin feels against mine, the way her soft stomach brushes the sensitive skin of my cock and reminds me her pussy is a thousand times softer with the most erotic grip.
As if she’s reading my mind, Marina suddenly grunts and lunges against me, her strength far above mine. (God, I can’t wait until my brothers try to arm wrestle her at Thanksgiving. That particular tradition is going to get her first pick of the turkey this year.) My back lands against the bank, and Marina’s knees hit the ground on either side of my hips.
My lower body is weightless, suspended in water, and a water goddess with shining eyes is straddling me, moaning as she rubs her juicy slit across me before we moan as one and she takes mein. A slick thump and she sits down on me, pulling me into her as deep and hard as we’ve ever gone.
And tonight it feels different.
I can feel each of the little suckers inside of her locking on. When I arch my hips back, there’s a sharp, stomach-clenching sensation as I break their grip and free my cock.
“Oooh, a lover’s battle?” Marina asks, and I feel her walls capture and twist, little mouths opening and closing all around me. I’m not even pulled into her secret little suction pocket yet.
For long moments, we huff and puff, me breaking free and her reclaiming me, each time pulling me tighter, sucking me harder until I wonder if my cum will shoot out hard enough to send her over backwards.
“I’ll never let go of you now. You’re mine,” she whispers, laughing between bouts.
“You’re right.” I don’t pull back, instead surging forward to catch her nipple and suck on it greedily, making her walls flutter as she squirms and squeals. Advantage, knight, I chuckle in my head as my eyes roll back. I shift up and sink into the impossibly tight, wetter-than-water pocket. I can feel her clit throbbing against me through the thin wall of tissue, spongy flesh layered over mine.
“Such a big, juicy clit you’re hiding,” I whisper, rubbing it in slow, teasing circles.
Marina whimpers and lets me win this round, her flexible body turning off the super strength. “So good.”
“You like when I’m buried in that tight little spot, don’t you?” I hiss, her breathy moans undoing me. My eyes want to close, but I want them open as I push Marina onto the bank and dig my hands into the damp grass for leverage. It’s like pulling myself up on the edge of the pool wall, but instead, my cock keeps lifting her hips from the bank, pressing her spasming tunnel until it clenches hard around me.
“Oooh, oh, fuck,” I hiss when the clenching stops and is replaced by the sensation of a hundred tiny tongues licking me. “Open up for me,” I growl against her neck, and she obeys at once, legs curling up, knees resting against her breasts as I push into her harder and faster. The little mouths feel more like tiny waving tongues now, and I’m brushing them, or they’re licking me.