“A May wedding—because college track season is done in March and NCAA swim meets are typically done in April. That way both my brothers can be there without missing meets.”
The words sink in slowly.
He wants me. Either way. With this threat or without it.
“W-we could have a promise ceremony sooner and a w-wedding—” I sag suddenly, and Kev catches me, scooping me up with a worried frown on his face. “A wedding in May. A wedding? To me?”
Someone wants me. Loves me. Forever. Not just to use or abuse, but to keep. Cherish.
“I would try to be a good wife,” I whisper, breaking down.
“Oh, my God! Baby! Baby, Marina—you’re fantastic. You’re already everything I want. You’re enough, okay? Just like this.” He squeezes me to his chest. “This.” He puts me in a chair and waves his hands in front of my body like a drunken magician, “All this is enough. You. You’re enough.Morethan enough. I’m going to keep saying it until you believe it.”
I lean forward and bring his forehead to mine when squats to meet me. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
“There is one thing more. I’ve told you already, but youmustlisten. Koshchei might hurt you for interfering. He will kill without restraint. My only hope is that he is too—” I can’t explain this the right way to Kev, who doesn’t fully understand Koshchei’s true nature. I hope Koshchei is too unsteady and weak, forcing himself into being long before he should and having next to nothing to eat. “I hope he is weak. There are so few of us left right now.” I drop my eyes. My kind is dying out. If I refuse to be his handmaid, and he’s killed the others, I will be the last of my kind.
Kev gently brushes my hair away from my cheeks.
No more young men will die because of us. Any rusalkas who survive will have a chance at happiness, a chance to live without killing.
“You worried about what he’ll do to the other girls if you don’t play nice?”
“They’re dying anyway. They’re too far enslaved and under his control to break free. I tried to talk to Darya... She wouldn’t listen.”
“That police officer in town seemed pretty chill. He can’t help? Can’t make some calls to... I don’t know. Interpol or something?”
“Nope. Koshchei is a phantom. No trail. No trace. Not until he comes for you.”
“Damn. He really rattled you.”
“And he could kill you, just for taking what is ‘his.’” Even as I warn him off, I lick my lips at the taste of freedom. I know what it is like to live alone and not be truly free. I know it is a paradox to need to belong to another to escape my bonds.
Belonging with Kev doesn’t mean “owning.” It would mean partnering. Loving. Being his other half as he is mine, not his possession to use.
Freedom is so very sweet—but not at the cost of him.
Kev shakes his head. “I don’t think my girl would let that bastard even breathe in my direction.”
“You’re right.”
A new thought enters my mind, one I thought I’d never need. I assumed Koschei wouldn’t return to this realm until I had left it—but now that we’re about to collide, I wonder—can he be killed? Not just starved into oblivion, but destroyed?
“You are very brilliant!” I say suddenly, kissing Kev on his startled lips.
“I thought you were telling me I was dumb for taking risks,” Kev cries when I release him.
“Well... We are both fools—but we are fools in love. Can we go swimming now?”
“And then we drive down to your houseboat and get your stuff and bring it here,” Kev insists.
I sigh. My cards are on the table. “I have nothing there worth bringing. A cot, a cooler, some books, a flashlight, some camping lamps... It was only a place to survive. To hide. Okay?”
Kev nods, his features working. “Then I guess we get to go shopping?”
“I have my own money,” I reassure.