“Sir, are you okay?” the bartender asked, gesturing to where my hands were white knuckled around the empty tumbler.
“No, I’m not okay. I’m about to lose the love of my life forever.”
The man tossed his towel over one shoulder, braced his hands on the bar top and leaned forward as though he had a secret to share or some wisdom to impart.
“Well, what are you going to do about it? Sit here and drink yourself into oblivion on Christmas Eve?”
I shook my head and waited for him to continue.
“Go after her, dummy.”
A gruff, dry laugh left me. “Just like that?”
He shrugged a shoulder and then pried the glass from my hand. “What’s the worst that could happen? You lose her again? The only thing you know right now for sure is that you’ll definitely lose her if you do nothing but sit here and bury your sorrows in a three-hundred-and-fifty-dollar bottle of whiskey.”
Wild, untamed thoughts raced through my mind. If I wanted to prove that I was serious about Holly, and having a real relationship with her, I needed to take the leap. Not only tell her how I felt butshowher with my actions.
I grinned and stood. “You’re a fucking genius,” I pulled out my wallet and laid down ten one-hundred-dollar bills. “Keep the change my friend. And thank you!”
“Invite me to the wedding!” he called out as I stormed out of the lobby bar and to the elevator that led to the ballroom where they were hosting the auction.
When the elevator opened, I set off at a dead run, knowing the auction had already started. I had to hope the universe, God,karma, Aphrodite, or whatever deity was watching right now, that I’d make it in time.
As I approached, Jade stood at the door, her phone to her ear. Her eyes widened at the picture I must have presented. I’m sure I looked awful, in a wrinkled all-black suit, whiskey breath, sweat misting along my hairline making my hair curl even more out of control than normal.
Her hands rose to stop me from entering. “This is a private event, Mr. Castellanos.”
“Jade, you have to let me in,” I barked, then bent over and sucked in several lungsful of air. My heartbeat was a bass drum against my chest and my mouth dry as the desert.
“I will call security…”
“Please, you don’t understand. I need to talk to Holly. I have to tell her.”
“Holly is next on stage. Whatever you have to say to her needs to wait until the auction has finished…”
“It will be too late!” I shouted and moved to the door. I’d just curled my hand around the golden lever when Jade pushed her body in front of me. “Jade, you need to move. I have to tell Holly how I feel. I’m in love with her. She can’t marry another man. I want her to marry me!”
“You’re what?” she whisper-gasped. “When did that happen?”
“For fuck’s sake woman, we don’t have any time!” I pleaded.
“Are you seriously going to bid on her?” she asked as I tugged the door, her body shifting forward enough I heard the dreaded words that could seal my fate, coming through the crack in the door.
“Let’s start the bidding at three million dollars,” Alana’s voice filled the room.
“Yes! Now get outta my way!” I roared, yanked the door hard enough that Jade went stumbling forward, but ultimately caught her balance.
“You’re insane!” she hollered.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you!” I swore as I slipped behind the door and into the dark ballroom. There was a shiny black stage set up in the front of the room with bright red poinsettia plants lining the front. A massive screen was lit in the back showing a set of polling results that made my stomach sour instantly.
Holly’s name was on the top next to her picture. Underneath that were three lines of text.
Yes = 15
No = 5
Maybe = 10