Immediately, I thought of my best friend Celine and her experience. “Is there anything we can do to help?”
Rhodes leaned against the wall, his shoulders slumped, and his head fell forward in a position of defeat. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m going to make some calls in the morning. What time is it?”
“Ten in the evening. You both missed dinner, but we figured you needed the rest more.”
“I feel like I’ve only slept a minute, yet it’s been most of the day. Damn. The jetlag and worry over you, Emily, and Maia…it has taken its toll.” He groaned, seeming entirely drained of energy.
“Of course, it has. As it would anyone. My Christophe is beside himself. He’s checked in with the authorities and the staff in Las Vegas only to be told there’s been no new information. Have you heard anything from that motorcycle crew or the detectives on Maia’s case?”
“Not since I went to bed this morning. I’m going to get in touch with Joel Castellanos. He had that situation with his wife, Faith, last year. Claimed his cousin Bruno was an expert at investigating these things. I think we need reinforcements, not only to figure out who’s threatening you and Maia but also to look into her family in Colorado.”
“Is the situation that dire in Colorado?” I asked gently.
He stared into my eyes, his expression tortured. I shivered as our gazes held.
“It is, Alana. Worse than you could probably imagine.”
I closed my eyes and sent up a silent prayer to Celine that she’d keep an eye on Maia’s family. “I’ll discuss this with Christophe, and we will be of assistance in any way possible.”
“To be entirely honest, I’m going to need help with Em. I don’t want her knowing about any of this. She’s thirteen. This is her summer break. She has enough stress dealing with Portia’s endless crap, and now me bringing a new woman around. I don’t want any of this to touch her. She should be living her best teenage life in France with her aunt and uncle, me, and Maia.”
“As I said, whatever I can do to help. Emily is no bother, and neither are you and Maia. We are family,non?”
He chuckled softly, lightless entering his expression, the wrinkles around his tired eyes lessening. “We are. And I’m so grateful, Alana. You could never know…”
I reached out and pulled him into my arms, hugging him. “And Christophe and I are just as thankful to have you and Emily in our lives,” I said while running one of my hands up and downhis back. “We’re going to work through all of these issues and eventually it will seem like old news.”
He sighed deeply against my neck, his grip tightening around my back. “Thanks, Alana.”
I pulled back and patted his cheek. “Get some more sleep. We’ll work on all of these concerns in the morning.”
Rhodes pressed his lips together and nodded. “I love you, Alana. You know that, right? You’re the big sister I’ve never had.”
I smiled as my heart expanded to almost bursting. “I love you, too, Rhodes.”
“If the two of you are done professing your undying love for one another, can I have my wife back?” My husband’s playful teasing voice came from the banister above where we were standing.
Rhodes and I looked up. I smiled at his sleep-mussed hair and disheveled robe. My husband loved to sleep in the nude, but when Emily, or any guest for that matter, was around he pulled out the loungewear.
I waved my husband off. “Une minute, mon coeur.”
Christophe yawned, stretched his arms above his head then yawned a second time. “ ’Night Rhodes.”
“Hey, Christo. You know I love you, too, man!” Rhodes called out.
Christophe stopped before disappearing down the hall that led to our room and turned around. “Je t’aime aussi, Rhodes,” he replied on a tired groan, then waved before leaving us.
“You know you have the best man on the planet, right? Only Christophe would see his wife in the arms of another man, one who’s half dressed, and be entirely confident and calm about it.”
“He knows our love isfolie à deux.”
He frowned and rubbed at his temples as if trying and failing to remember what the expression meant.
“Madness shared by two.” I smirked. “Our love is unmatched by anything or anyone in this world.”
“I want that one day. To love a woman so much it hurts. I mean, as a father, I have that for Emily, but it’s different than what you and Christophe have.”
“Oui, it is.” I reached out and cupped his shoulder, giving it a supportive squeeze. “I have an inkling that the broken little dove in your bed may be the very madness you have been seeking all these years.”