“Whoa…where is all this honesty coming from all of a sudden? Are you telling me you’ve been unhappy all these years?”

“Do you think I drink as much as I do for my health?” She scoffed. “I drink because it numbs the pain of having to live with a man who loathes and loves me in equal parts.”

“Why don’t you just leave him?”

My mother bit her bottom lip, her smooth dark skin crinkling around the edges of her eyes as she stared out at the ocean. “And leave all of this? Your father offered me the world on a silver platter, and I accepted. I made my bed decades ago, and I lie my head down on the most expensive satin sheets money can buy. Then when I wake up, I walk through my multi-million dollar home and am served all my meals by a Michelin-starred chef. I buy what I want when I want it. Don’t get confused, darling, I love my life and all its luxuries. I just prefer not to be around the man who makes all this possible.”

“So you’re a gold digger,” I bit out, shame coating my words.

“I’m an opportunist, Naomi. An opportunity to change my life for the better presented itself, and I took it. I do not regret that decision. And you, my dear, are the best thing I ever contributed to this life. Which is why I’m telling you right now, if you want to marry this man for love,”—she gestured to Memphis—“you better be ready for battle. Abraham wants you with Malik, the son I was never able to give him. He wants you to marry him and work by that man’s side until you’re ready to have children.”

I burst out laughing. “That’s never happening, Mother. I care about Malik, genuinely, as someone I grew up with and once loved. That love died a long time ago, and it’s never coming back. I’m older and more knowledgeable. I know what I want, and it’s Memphis, not Malik. It’s my own business not my father’s. I’m sorry if that lets him down, but it’s my truth, and I’m going to live my truth by my terms, not his.”

She smiled wide. “Atta girl. You stick with that level of commitment and just maybe you’ll get all that you desire. In the meantime, keep your eyes and ears open because your father will stop at nothing to break the two of you up. Money is only a smidgeon of the wicked ways in which he controls the world around him.”

Memphis reached out and put his hand behind my neck, kneading the tension there. “I’ll be here every step of the way, Naomi. Whatever you need that’s mine to give—support, loyalty, an extra hand—you’ve got it.”

“Thank you, baby,” I whispered and sighed, hating that my family couldn’t be normal. I wanted to bring the man I was going to marry home and have a party. Celebrate this step in my life with joy and laughter, not threats and bribes.

“Now, while I’m feeling well enough, tell me what the plan is for the wedding. I’m assuming you want to go big, invite everyone. I’d be happy to do all the planning…”

I held up my hand and shook my head. “Mom, no. Memphis and I are going to discuss what we want, and then proceed from there. I appreciate the offer, but my wedding will be one that suits me and Memphis, not you and my father and all of your wealthy friends.”

“Naomi, that just won’t do. You know that when one of us weds, it’s a massive opportunity to mix, mingle, and network. Your father will want—”

“I don’t give a shit what Dad wants. I care about what I want. What Memphis wants. My wedding is not going to be a place where business deals and rubbing elbows is done. Our wedding will be Memphis and me, devoting our lives to one another emotionally, spiritually, and legally. It will be witnessed and celebrated by those we choose, not your charity friends or Dad’s associates. I’m sorry, but that’s not happening.”

“Naomi, I want to help. You’re my only daughter…” my mother pleaded, her eyes tearing up.

“Then you will respect my wishes and help me plan something we want. A wedding that’s best for us, not you and my father. Understood?” I tilted my head and glared, purposely not even blinking so she’d see the seriousness behind my demand.

She swallowed and pursed her lips. “Okay, Naomi, I’ll agree to your terms. But you are our daughter so we will be paying for everything.”

I was about to object when Memphis removed his hand from my neck and covered my wrist. “It is tradition for the bride’s parents to pay for the wedding, is it not? My folks will want to pay for the rehearsal dinner too.”

“But they’re already strapped,” I whispered.

He smiled so sweetly I wanted to kiss him again. “Once I pay off their mortgages and granny’s medical bills, they’ll be just fine.” He patted my hand.

I glanced at my mother and noted she’d heard every word. She now knew that his parents weren’t in the upper echelon of wealthy families. Something my father obviously hadn’t had the chance to research yet. I don’t know why, but I felt protective of his family, and I didn’t even know them yet.

“We should go visit them soon.”

“I’m ready when you are. I go where you go, Nay. What about work?” he asked.

“It will keep. My team is incredible, and my VP keeps me informed of everything with a daily email update. I don’t need to be in New York for another week. I’m meeting with Cartier to discuss a new line I’m crafting for their winter launch. It’s going to be breathtaking jewelry for the holiday season.”

“I can’t wait to see what you’ve created.” He lifted my hand and kissed the back warmly.

“As much as I enjoy seeing the two of you lovebirds together, I’d suggest you pack and take your leave before Abraham comes up with a new method to break you up.”

“But you just had a heart attack. Don’t you want me here to help take care of you?” My voice cracked with the need to be there for her.

Mother stood up and sighed, her shoulders sagging. “I have staff that will take care of me. And surprisingly, your father has shown more concern for my wellbeing than ever before. Maybe this is an opportunity for the two of us to reconnect too. Not that I believe it will help, but I’m always willing to try to better a situation.”

“Mom, you shouldn’t have staff assist you when you have a husband and daughter right here,” I argued.

She came to my side of the table, leaned over, and cupped my cheeks. “Naomi, you are a good daughter, and I love you with my whole heart, but I’d rather rest, check myself into a spa retreat for a week, and think about wedding plans. Go, meet yourfiancé’s family. Have fun. But stay cognizant of your father’s antics. He’ll strike again.” She kissed my forehead. “I’m going to rest. It was lovely meeting you, Memphis. Take the private jet to Atlanta.”