“How’s about we not set limitations on things we can’t begin to understand.”

“That being?” I hedged.

“The future, Nay. No one knows what it holds. Not you, not me. We committed to something, yes, but that doesn’t mean there’s an end date. Not really. That’s something we decide when the time comes.” He lifted our clasped hands and rubbed his scruffy cheek along the back of my hand. “I prefer to let the chips fall where they may. See where life takes us. Right now, it’s theHamptons. Three years from now, it could be a bun in the oven, if that’s what we decide.”

Both my eyebrows rose up toward my hairline. “You want to have children with me?” I croaked.

“I want to have children one day with the woman I love. Nothing’s off the table, Naomi.” He smiled softly, the honesty clear in his steadfast gaze. “We’ve got time. Let’s enjoy it.”

I grinned and nodded. “We do. As long as we survive this week, the future is ours.”

“Now that’s the Naomi, I know.” He stood up and pushed his chair back in place, grabbed our plates and took them to the sink. “Should I wash these?” he asked.

I truthfully couldn’t remember the last time I’d washed a dish. We had staff for that. Still, it felt like a normal thing couples did together, and I wanted to experience everything with Memphis. Even washing dirty dishes together. “You wash, I’ll dry,” I offered. “Then I’m taking you to bed where I will have my wicked way with you.”

“Is that right, Ms. Shaw, soon to be Mrs. Shaw-Taylor?” He turned on the water and soaped up a sponge, then washed a plate.

“I think I’ll go with Mrs. Taylor, if you don’t mind.” I was happy to drop my father’s name.

He looked taken aback, but then a slow smile spread across his face. “Naomi Taylor. Sounds fucking beautiful to me.”

I bumped his hip with mine. “I think so too. Now hurry up and get those dishes washed. I’m ready for my dessert.”


I ran my hand over his firm bottom and squeezed a cheek. “Yeah baby, my dessert tonight isyou.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

We were done with the dishes in mere minutes.

Episode 46

A Perfect Pairing


“Then let’s get ready to go to France.” Maia said as she backed up and patted me on my bare chest. A sly smile stretched across her full lips. Made me want to kiss them again, the same way I did in the limo. We’d gotten out of control then, and truth be told, I felt a little out of control now. “But first, you should probably put some clothes on,” she whispered, her voice a husky rasp.

I cleared my throat, wrapped my arms around her, and kept her right where she was. “What are you afraid of Maia?” I gazed into her soulful brown eyes.

Her bottom lip trembled as she clung to my back. “Everything.”

I cupped her cheek and watched with pride as she nuzzled into my palm, seeking comfort. My comfort.

“Whoever is threatening you and Alana is not going to get away with it. I will keep you safe,” I vowed.

Her eyes closed as she nodded. “I know you will.”

“Then what are you afraid of?” I looped my other arm tighter around her waist, keeping her pressed against me. She sighed, welcoming the embrace.

“Everything,” she repeated again and opened her eyes. “This thing between us that’s growing into…”

“Into?” I prompted, wanting desperately for her to tell me how she felt about us, me, our impending nuptials. We were an unlikely pair, especially if taking our almost fifteen-year age difference into account. But ever since that day in the airport when we crashed into one another, there has been this undercurrent of a much deeper connection. One I want nothing more than to explore.

“Into more than I expected,” she finally answered.

“And what did you expect from me?” I held my breath, hanging onto every word.