“Why?” she asked as we switched places once again to fill a new order.

“Because I don’t know what the repercussions of being in a relationship with Summer will be for the business.”

“Why does it matter? Johansen Brewing sells beer, right?”


“She sells cannabis. They’re not even in the same industry so why would it affect anything you do with Johansen?”

“The thing is I don’t know if it could. What if people in Europe want to smear the company because I’m marrying someone they might see as a drug dealer?”

“Do you see her that way?” She tilted her head.

“No! Goodness no! She’s genuinely trying to help people, and it sounds like she’s good at it.”

“She is good at it. The best. And how can helping people be so bad?” she asked.

“I just, I know the media. They are ruthless. If they find one thing they can spin in a negative way, they will.”

She shrugged. “So? Summer’s not the kind of woman that cares about that and since it’s her business, she’s the one in the spotlight, right? Not you.”


“Jack, there are no buts. You’re scared. My sister is working in a business that may or may not look good to some people. We’re used to the stigma attached to our product and company. What’s more important is how you feel about what she does. How does it affect you personally? Do you look at her differently, knowing she grows and sells this product? And if you do, it’s best to end things between you two before your feelings get too complicated.”

I absolutely did not see her differently. And intellectually I knew cannabis wasn’t the issue. It was myfearover what people might think and say about us as a couple, and the business I’ve devoted my life to, because of the stigma. It truly didn’t matter to me if someone partook or not. If this product helped people, let them use what worked for their own bodies.

“It doesn’t affect me personally. I only worry about the business…” I said and then realized it was the truth. WhatSummer did truly didn’t matter to me on a personal level. Hell, I’d even try it just to experience it with her. My only concern was centered on the possibility of blowback for Johansen Brewing.

The last decade of my life has been all about Johansen Brewing. Not about what I wanted or what I needed to make me happy and fulfilled. I’d spent my entire twenties making the company as successful as possible. For Erik, for his family, and for myself. To prove I could do it…and I have. The company is the most successful alcoholic beverage company in the world. Yet here I was, afraid to commit to a woman I wanted more than my next breath, all because it might tarnish the image of the company I worked for.

“I’m an idiot…” I sighed.

“We all have our stupid moments,” Autumn agreed.

“Will she forgive me?” I asked, a thread of worry coating my words.

Autumn smiled sweetly. “Summer is the most forgiving human on the planet.”

“Thank God…”

“Don’t be thanking the goddesses just yet,” she warned.

“I thought you just said she was forgiving.”

“I did. But, she’ll make you work your ass off for it. Be prepared to grovel, buddy. I’d suggest flowers, chocolates, candles, and a homemade dinner.”

I pulled my keys from my pocket and headed to the door. “On it.”

Autumn laughed. “Go get her, tiger!”

I’d never understand these women or their ways, but I was realizing that was the beauty of being part of their world.

I never knew what I was going to get, but I looked forward to every new moment.

Episode 44

No secrets. No lies.