Brenden glared. “Don’t fuck with me. It’s been a hard enough couple days as it is, Jules.”

I huffed and shook my head while planting my hand on Gio’s chest possessively. “It’s no joke. We got married in Las Vegas yesterday.”

Brenden’s face went blank, as if he couldn’t comprehend the truth that was staring him in the face.

“What? No congratulations?” Gio goaded. “You’d think after you stole my fiancée, fucked me over, then screwed over Julianne, you’d have something to say? Oh, that’s right, Biancahas your balls in a vise so tight you can’t even speak for yourself anymore. Isn’t that right,bro,”Gio sneered, disgust evident in his every word.

Brenden’s cheeks turned bright red as his lips twisted into a white snarl. “You’re just pissed because Bianca fell for me. She got tired of your ass being all about work and came running to a real man who could give her the love and attention she deserves.”

Gio huffed out a dry laugh. “Right, a real man. Someone I considered my best friend in the entire world. Trusted more than any other. A brother not by blood, but by choice. You used to be a real man. Now you’re just a pathetic asshole who has a reputation for fucking people over, who’s own sister can hardly stand the sight of you. Look at her.” He gestured to me. “You hurt her. Broke her trust. The only person you had left. The last soul who would have stood by your side no matter what. And you fired her from our company because Bianca told you to? Which, by the way, isn’t even legal. We both own the company fifty-fifty, and I say Julianne stays,” I growled through my teeth.

“You have no idea who you are dealing with. You think I’m a horrible person for what I did, fine! I’m a horrible person. No one but you gives a fuck. We have a much bigger problem now that Bianca’s pregnant,” Brenden fired back, spittle flying as he spoke.

“Which remains to be proven,” I added for good measure, lest either of the men forget the very real possibility the bitch could be lying through her perfectly bleached teeth.

Brenden’s gaze slashed to mine. “I’ve seen the ultrasound images. It’s real.”

“Yeah? Were you there with her when they were taken?” I asked, giving him a closed-mouth, waspish smile.

Brenden frowned. “No, but I trust her.”

Gio snorted. “Look Brenden, if she could lie to me for eighteen months, carry on an affair with you at the same time, and fuck us both on the same day, she can fake a pregnancy. I’m certainly not putting it past her. I want a paternity test as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t care whose baby it is. I’m going to raise it like my own no matter what,” he hissed as if he were making some big sacrifice.

“If it’s my baby, I will demand full custody because she’s a lying, cheating, unscrupulous bitch who has no business raising a child,” Gio returned, grit in every word. He’d make her pay. Drown her in endless legal battles until he got what he wanted. And he had the endless monetary means to do it too. I didn’t wish that for him, or for myself. But I surely wouldn’t want Bianca as the primary parent in that scenario either. The child’s well-being must be the priority.

Anger filled the air around Brenden before he suddenly pounced, jumping through the air toward Gio, who pushed me out of the way right before Brenden crashed into him.

“I’ll end you myself!” Brenden snarled, his hands encircling Gio’s throat and squeezing.

Giovanni gripped Brenden’s wrists and tugged, desperately trying to remove his hands from around his neck, to no avail.

“Stop it! Let him go!” I screamed as Giovanni’s face turned a sickly shade of red as he arched back, trying to knock Brenden loose, but Brenden held on. They slammed into my entryway side table that had a vase filled with flowers and a mirror above it. The vase went crashing to the ground, broken porcelain and water spreading in every direction.

Gio finally used his foot to trip Brenden, both men falling to the hard floor. Brenden’s grip loosened enough so that Gio could get the upper hand.

They rolled from one side to the other until Gio was on top. He pulled his arm back and punched Brenden in the face multiple times. Blood sprayed across the white marble floor in sick crimson splotches as Brenden screeched in pain.

“Gio! Stop, you’re going to kill him!” I cried, watching as Brenden somehow leveraged Gio onto his back and delivered a punch of his own. But Gio was faster. His arm came up, his fist crashing into Brenden’s ribs once, twice, and then a third time, which was accompanied by a sickening crunch sound.

“Fuck!” Brenden wailed like a banshee, sliding to the side, and curling inward, one hand going to his ribs.

Gio tumbled in the other direction, and I raced over to help him stand. There was a stream of blood sliding out of one of his nostrils while he clutched his neck tenderly.

I caressed the swollen, red marks gently as Giovanni let out a hoarse cough. “I’m okay.”

“I want you out of my home,” I hollered at my brother.

Brenden slowly moved onto all fours and winced as he eased to a standing position, still hunched over, one arm planted across his middle protectively. He looked at me and then at Gio as he pushed the button to call the elevator. He scowled deeply then faced me.

“I came here to apologize, and this is what I get? Me and you, Jules. We’re done.” My heart slid to my throat and choked me as he looked at Gio. “You both deserve each other,” he mumbled, a deep sense of loathing filling his statement.

“You brought this upon yourself, Brenden.” Giovanni looped an arm around my shoulders. “I would have never betrayed you. Not in a million years. And now you’re what, disowning your sister because you can’t handle the repercussions of the decision you yourself made? Your parents would be so disappointed.” He shook his head, his expression filled with disgust.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched that arrow hit the bullseye and my brother recoil.

“Brenden, when you’re ready to talk civilly, give me a call. Until then, I guess I’ll see you in court,” I muttered, hating that I was losing my brother after everything we’d already lost.