“I have looked through some things and set any files, notes, and items of interest on the top of the small conference table in stacks for your review. Do call me if you have any questions or need assistance. I’m going to freshen up and get back to work.”
“Thank you, Muriel.” I waved and continued down the hall that led to my parents’ offices as well as my own and Brenden’s office.
As I approached, I could hear his angry voice coming from his office.
I stopped right before I reached his door. I took a deep breath, pushed my shoulders back, stood as tall as possible, and slid my all-business expression into place. This time, I would not allow Brenden to steamroll me. Not only did I have Giovanni at my back, but I had the forged will as proof things were not as they seemed.
Instead of knocking, I turned the knob and pushed open the door, allowing it to slam against the wall.
Brenden spun around, his phone pressed to his ear. His gaze narrowed, and he barked, “I’ll call you back!” into the phone before hanging up on the person.
“Good morning, Brother. I gather you’ve heard the news from our parents’ lawyers’ office that the will is not only being contested, which you already knew, but that it’s been proven to be a fake. That means the courts are going to review the last several submissions and most likely toss out the one submitted a week before they died.”
“What is your endgame in all of this, Jules? To ruin me?”
“Oh Brother, you’ve already done that all on your own. I didn’t have to lift a finger for you to screw up your life. That all started when you fucked the she-devil at your best friend’s rehearsal dinner. No one told you to stick your dick in crazy, but there you have it.”
“And what about you, huh?” He walked around his desk and sat on the edge, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What about me?”
“You married Giovanni to spite me and Bianca,” he spat with a snarl.
“Hmmm,” I tapped on my bottom lip. “Did I?” I shrugged.
There wasn’t a need to explain what actually happened between me and Gio. Brenden already knew we’d had a thing for one another since we were kids. Brenden being the primary reason we didn’t hook up earlier. Except for the night I lost my virginity, of course. A night no one else knows about. Thinking about Gio saying his ex-girlfriend’s name while in bed with me stung something fierce, but ultimately, we found our way to one another. And I was deeply in love with him, and I knew he was just as gone for me. Nothing my ignorant brother could say would change that.
“You think he married you because he loves you? That he doesn’t pine away for Bianca like some lost puppy? You’d bewrong. Trust me, I have Bianca and it’s better than anything I’ve ever had before.”
I rolled my eyes and pretended to gag. “Please, don’t say the B word, I might throw up.”
“You are so childish, Julianne. Always sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“I’m the reason this company has done so well the last few years. Things were winding down as our parents planned for retirement when I graduated college and started working here. All the new high-profile clients that came through our doors with their business and their money, were all brought here by me. What the fuck have you ever done besides schmooze and drink your way through dinners and golf tournaments with the clients I brought in?”
“Please don’t flatter yourself. If I hadn’t spent one-on-one time with them, those men would have taken their money and walked. I nurture the relationships with our clients. I make them feel comfortable giving us their money to invest in business and properties that make them even more. They trust me.”
“Well, that’s going to end because, I hate to tell you, my husband has offered to give me his family’s shares in FM Enterprises. And when the judge reinstates the real will and trust, the one our parents actually signed legally, then I’ll own seventy-five percent, and my first order of business will be having you removed from the company.” I smiled and blinked prettily.
“You wouldn’t! Mom and Dad would roll over in their graves…” he seethed.
Oh, he thinks guilt is going to work on me, after everything he’s done. The man is insane.
“Actually, Mom and Dad have already rolled over based on the wayyou have treated me. Not to mention, how you fucked over your best friend. Look in the mirror, Brother. The only oneyou have to blame for your shitty decisions is you, and you will reap what you have sown.” I lifted my hand and fluttered my fingers in a gesture of goodbye. “Time to go, I’ve got some work to catch up on. Bye, loser,” I called out as I left him fuming in a fiery pit of his own making.
I’d just barely unlocked and opened the door to my own office, grateful that it hadn’t been touched by the she-devil since they tried to fire me, when my phone beeped that I’d received a text. I set my purse on my desk and pulled out my phone.
Instantly, my mood brightened when I saw it was another text from Gio. I clicked on the message and frowned.
From: Husband
Julianne, I need you. I’m at my apartment.
What in the world? That message didn’t sound like Gio at all. And why would he tell me to come to his apartment as if I didn’t know he was there? I’d just been in the car with him thirty minutes ago when we made the decision to divide and conquer and meet up later.
My intuition was pinging and raising the hairs on the back of my neck. I looped my arm through my purse and called Gio. It rang and rang as I trekked through the office once more. I looked down at my phone when it went to voicemail and ran smack dab into Muriel again.
“Oomph!” I blurted. “I’m so sorry.”