“Wife? What are you talking about?” Her face paled.

I held up my left hand with pride, showing off the wedding ring Julianne had placed upon my finger.

“I married Julianne Myers, the love of my fucking life. And thank God for that. I could have ended up with you and been miserable,” I hissed.

“You don’t mean that.” Bianca started to cry.

“With every fiber of my being. Now get the fuck out of my house,” I yelled and slammed the rest of my drink.

My eyes started to get heavy, and my mouth felt like cotton was coating it. Four shots usually gave me a buzz, but never made me feel like this.

“We can get your marriage annulled or a divorce. Mine too. It will be okay. We’ll work through our differences and raise this baby as a family. You’ll see, my love.”

I blinked rapidly as I tugged off my tie and tossed it on the counter, then proceeded to unbutton my shirt. “Fuck, I’m hot.”It was like my skin was on fire. I shucked off my blazer and moved toward my bedroom, running into the wall as I did so. “Leave, Biiii…aaannn…ccccaaaa…” I was having trouble forming the words, but my order was clear. I wanted her out of my house.

“Are you okay? You seem unwell. Let me help.” She looped her arm around my waist as I stumbled but finally unbuttoned my shirt all the way. I didn’t have the energy to push her off me.

“H-h-hot…ughhh, and…t-t-ti-tired…” I managed that much around a tongue that was suddenly too big inside my mouth.

Bianca helped me sit on the bed, then took one of my arms and undid the buttons at my wrist.

“F-fu-fuck o-off,” I mumbled, my eyes so heavy I could barely keep them open.

What the hell?

Why was I so tired?

What was happening?

“W-w-what hap…pen…” I couldn’t even talk.

“You’re sick. I’ve got you. Don’t you worry. Bianca is here, and I’m going to take care of you, my love. Just like I always did before all of this mess. And it is a mess.” She removed the second button on my wrist and pulled off my shirt completely, leaving me bare chested. “You know, you weren’t supposed to find out about me and Brenden that night. It certainly wasn’t part of the plan. And I will admit, I improvised by switching teams and marrying him. Though, he’s really a poor replacement for you in every way.”

I growled under my breath, not capable of anything more.

I needed a doctor.

I neededJulianne.

Bianca cupped my cheeks and forced my face up. She pressed her lips to mine, kissing me hard. I tried to move away but I was so tired, and my arms weren’t working like they should, and myeyes were closing. It was taking all the energy I had to keep them open.

“N-n-no,” I mumbled but Bianca pressed her lips to my jaw, and then down my neck. My stomach soured when she reached my chest, and I almost threw up.

“Nope. None of that.” She fanned my face; the cool air felt so good. “If you vomit, I’ll vomit. Your baby has been making me sick as a dog, but I know in six months it will be worth it when he or she makes their debut,” she hummed almost whimsically.

NOT MY BABY! I tried to scream, but only a gurgled moan left my lips.

Then the earth went upside down as she pushed on my chest until I was flat on my back. I could feel her hands undoing my belt. She moved to my feet and removed my shoes.

I tried to protest but didn’t have the strength. I grunted instead but that seemed only to egg her on.

“You’re welcome, my love.” She moved up to my waist, undid my pants and pulled them and my underwear off entirely.

I gagged as she appraised my naked body. I loathed her, and as soon as I had all my faculties back, I’d do everything in my power to ruin her.

“You have always been something to look at Giovanni Falco. The hottest man alive. That certainly hasn’t changed.” She grinned.

The woman was completely psycho.