“Come…” Jack pulled me through my house and into my dining room.
I gasped as I saw my eight-seater table set up with two place settings, one at the end and the other to the right. He led me straight to the head of the table and pulled out the chair. I sat down, and he helped me scoot the chair closer to the table.
“What is all this?” I gestured at the pretty lit candles and, to my amazement, a trio of crystals paired with a vase of roses in the brightest pink and the most buttery sunshine yellow.
He pointed to the decorations. “The pink roses are supposed to represent my gratitude and admiration. Because I do admire you, Summer. You’re an incredible woman, not only because you’re gorgeous and unique, but because of how intensely you believe in the things and people you deem important. The yellow roses are supposed to represent our growing friendship.”
“Friendship?” I cocked a brow.
He chuckled. “Apparently red ones mean love and passion, and although I definitely feel intensely passionate when around you, I didn’t want to give the wrong impression.”
I pressed my smiling lips together in order not to laugh. He’d definitely thought all of this through in meticulous detail—so very Jack—though I suspected he had help.
“And the crystals?” I challenged.
“Oh! Autumn helped with those. The smoky quartz is for grounding and letting go of any negative feelings and baggage we both hold. I figured that would help with the fight we had.”
“And the clear quartz?”
He looked at the ceiling and his fingers wiggled as though he was cataloguing through cards in his memory bank.
Jack snapped his fingers suddenly. “For manifesting what we want in our lives, but more importantly for us, within our new relationship.”
I smiled wide. “That is true. And the red one?” I knew exactly what my sister was up to with this trio.
“Carnelian,” he frowned. “I can’t remember what it’s supposed to do though.”
I smirked. “Passion. Drive. Attraction. Sexual pleasure.”
His eyes seemed to bulge out of his sockets, and I watched with glee as he nervously swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing enticingly.
“Uh, I didn’t realize…”
I burst out laughing. “My sister was pulling a fast one, but it’s okay. I absolutely approve.” I rested my elbow on the table and propped my chin in my hand so I could peer up at where he stood. “And what is that delicious smell coming from the kitchen?”
“Ohh! It’s a recipe I’ve perfected. Mediterranean chicken, couscous, and vegetables.”
“Smells divine,” I said right as my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten after breakfast because my stomach was twisted up from our fight.
Jack beamed as he reached for an already open bottle of red wine and poured a hefty measure into the empty glass at my setting and then into his own. “You sip on that, while I plate our dinner. I’ll be back in a minute. I had it all done and was keeping it warm since I didn’t know when you’d be home.”
“So how did you know when I arrived?” I asked, putting the goblet to my lips.
A shy expression stole across his face making his masculine beauty seem more boyish in the candlelight.
“I…um…” He coughed. “Just looked out the window every few minutes.”
“Wow. I’m impressed.” And I was. Completely gobsmacked that he’d go to such lengths to appease me after we fought. I’d expected him to leave, ask Madam Alana for a new bride, or something. Definitely did not expect a homemade meal complete with flowers, crystals, and wine.
“I’ll be right back,” he said and disappeared into the kitchen. I could hear some banging around for a couple minutes before he returned with two steaming plates.
My mouth watered the second he put the plate before me.
He sat down, lifted his wine, and stared into my eyes. “To righting miscommunication, learning one another’s heart, and figuring out the best way to wade through both.”
I chuckled and grinned, tapping my glass to his before taking a drink. The wine was smooth and jammy, just how I liked it.
For a few minutes we both ate with gusto. I’d gotten through over half my dinner and wine before I finally felt calmer.