“You’re just so pretty when you smile. I like seeing it.”
Maia ducked her head sheepishly as she unlocked her door. “Haven’t had a whole lot to smile about, but it seems like things are looking up,” she said, entering and stopping abruptly with a gasp.
“What is it?” I eased around her and noted the entire space had been ransacked. Pillows shredded, the stuffing everywhere. Some of the pictures hanging sideways on the walls. A small TV in shards in the center of the room. The closet had empty hangers with everything tossed willy-nilly, a lot of it in tatters. In the small eat-in kitchen, the cabinets were left open with all the items that were inside broken on the tile floor.
“I can’t… I don’t understand…uh…” Maia was struck silent, her eyes as wide as saucers.
“We have to get out of here. Call the cops. And call Sam back. He needs to see this and notify his insurance.”
“But…but…” Maia moved forward, pushing my arm away when I tried to prevent her from entering fully.
“Fuck!” I followed her in and both of us stopped and stared at the frightening message written in black spray paint along the back wall above her small bed.
On seeing that note, ice-cold fear raced through my veins and propelled me into immediate action. I scooped Maia up and over my shoulder, then took the stairs to the street level two at a time, my focus on the waiting limo. I put her into the car and locked the doors.
I cupped her cheeks as she trembled, her face ghost white. “I’m right here. I’ve got you. You okay, baby?” I asked, then kissed each of her cheeks and her forehead before looking into her eyes. “Answer me?” I asked again.
She nodded but didn’t say anything, just blinked as if she was in shock.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed the police.
“Las Vegas Emergency Services.”
“Yes, my name is Rhodes Davenport.” I gave the caller the address. “My fiancé, Maia Fields, has been robbed and her life threatened. We need the police here as soon as possible.”
“We’re sending help now.”
“Give me your phone,” I held out my hand.
She pressed her thumb to the password protector and the display appeared. I went to her contacts and hitcallon the contact simply named “Sam.” I took Maia’s hand, and she held mine with both of hers, then brought her legs up and curled into a fetal position, burrowing as close to me as she could get.
“Did you change your mind about marrying Mr. Moneybags?” Sam chuckled, sounding like a completely different guy.
“Sam, it’s Rhodes. You need to get back home. Maia’s place was ransacked, everything is destroyed, and she’s been threatened.”
“I’ll be there in five,” he clipped out and hung up.
I wrapped my arms around Maia as she clung to me, her face pressed against my chest.
“I’ve got you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not now, not ever.” I vowed as I kissed the top of her head and held on until the sound of approaching police sirens filled the air.
Episode 39
Not Everything Is As It Seems
“What’s he doing here?” My brother snarled at the sight of Gio in my home.
Giovanni smirked. “I live here now.” He brought me closer to his side. “You should probably tell him before the announcement goes out,” Gio encouraged, likely loving every second of this moment. I couldn’t blame him; I felt the same way.
“What do you mean, you live here now? And what announcement?” Brenden snapped, his expression one of burgeoning anger.
I looked at Gio and cocked a brow before smiling coyly at my brother. “Gio and I got married this weekend. Surprise!”