Page 32 of Madam Alana

Christophe held up his hands in supplication. “Far be itfrom me to tell you how to live your life or to question what a couple doesbehind closed doors. I was concerned about my wife’s friend.Mynewfriend. I am glad to hear you are happy in your marriage. But…”

Celine groaned. “But what? Lay it on me. You know you wantto ask just like Alana did.” She tapped her foot.

“Just that… If you ever need some time to decompress orwould like to visit Alana and me, our home in France is always open to you. Iwill handle any expenses incurred in such a trip and you will have your own guestquarters with complete privacy where you can stay forever if you wish. Please,keep that in mind.” He walked over to where she stood and pulled a businesscard out of his pocket. “My direct number and email address. Day or night, callthat number. One of us will answer.”

Yep,definitely love.

Out of nowhere, my best friend jumped forward and wrappedher arms around Christophe’s middle, giving him a hug. He patted her back whilehis gaze stayed on me. His expression shifted to one of resignation as he placeda kiss to the crown of her head.

There was nothing more we could do. Celine had to make herown choices.

* * * *

We finished shopping and Christophe hadallofour bags taken to our separate hotels while we hung out on the Strip.

Christophe held my hand as I pointed out all the glitz andglamour, loving the flashing lights and colorful advertising all over thebuildings. People were out in droves, drinking and smoking while skipping fromone casino to anotherin order togamble their moneyaway.Definitely notmy preference when it came toentertainment, but I could understand the allure.

A pair of ladies dressed in sparkly hot-pink costumes withlarge feathers fanned out behind them like peacocks suavely navigated thesidewalks, stopping to take photos with tourists.

“We need a camera!” Celine blurted excitedly, always gamefor a new experience.

“I’ve got one,” Christophe stated, pulling his out of thebackpack-style satchel he carried.

Celine clapped, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me over to thegorgeous starlets. Their outfits dripped crystals that caught the lights,spreading rainbows in every direction.

“Can we take a photo with you? You both look incredible!” sheasked.

“For five dollars, sure,” one of them said, and I frowned,sadly deflated. Why would they want money to take a picture? That seemed rathergreedy to me.

“Here you go.” Christophe handed them five dollars apiece.

They each tucked the money in a hidden pocket and thensmiled wide, their hands on their hips, their long legs pointed out in front ofthem in poses that made them look ten feet tall. Celine and I were minisculestanding next to them, which was the point, but that didn’t stop us from grinningear to ear as Christophe took a photo.

“Thank you!” I waved, and the two ladiescontinuedonto the next paying customer.

Christophe chuckled. “Go stand there with Celine. The sun issetting over the desert in the background,” he suggested. Then he coached usinto a pose that he preferred, our cheeks touching, both of us smiling, and thesun perfectly shining behind us.

“Magnifique,” he complimented. “I’m hungry again.Anyone up for pizza?” He rubbed his hands together as if he could already tastethe cheesy goodness.

“Pizza?” Celine gawked. “You mean you’re not going to takeus to some swanky place where the items on the menu don’t even have pricetags?”

Christophe’s lips twisted into a snarl of disgust.

I snort-laughed at his expression and then covered my mouth.“Celine, my husband loves American food. He is determined to eat all thestandard fare before we head to France. When are we leaving for France anyway?”

“I hope tomorrow,moncoeur. I itch to create. I also want to show youour home.”

“Then tomorrow we will go,” I said in agreement. I too waseager to see my new home and set down some roots for the first time since I wasa child.

Celine wrapped her arm around me, hugged me to her side, andrested her head on my shoulder. “I’m going to miss you. Darren’s main office isin California. Los Angeles to be exact. He’d wanted to leave today until youcalled yesterday. It wasreally niceof him to extendour stay so we could spend time with you.”

“That was kind of him,” I forced myself to say, because ittruly was a nice gesture, even if the man’s personality wasn’t the easiest tobefriend.

“Welp, we better make the most of our time together. I’m sohungry after that meager, frou-frou lunch that I could eat an entire pizzamyself!”

“I’m willing to test that theory, and I know just theplace!” Christophe grinned wickedly.

“Bring it on, pizza boy!” she teased.