Page 94 of Fate



“What is it with you chicas?” Ria asks, hands on hips, shaking her head, rocking a royal-blue skintight dress she could have stolen right out of Sofía Vergara’s closet. She’s standing off to the side of the mirror catching my gaze through the reflection, her eyes an icy-blue as usual.

I’m also in front of the long mirror in my new bedroom, the one Carson added on to our beach ranch house so we didn’t have to sleep in the room where Misty died. That room is now a game room for the guys. Right this instant though, I’m looking at myself in my wedding gown. It’s a breezy, flowy white silk that covers one shoulder completely, hiding my scars. The other arm is bare, showing all skin. The bodice is cinched together with intricate beading, emphasizing my seven-month baby bump, not at all trying to conceal it. Carson and I are excited about our growing family and want the world to knowit.

I run my hands down my belly, settling the little kicker inside. He or she wants me to move, and by the way the kicking gets harder, I can tell my little one is very insistent. The only time I get any rest from the soccer player inside me is when I’m moving around. Apparently, rocking the baby to sleep through movement is in my very near future.

“In what way?” I ask while Bree places sprigs of baby’s breath and a fresh brilliant-orange Gerbera daisy in my hair in the small sweep we’ve pulled to the side. The rest is falling in long curling waves down my back the way Carson likes it. One bonus about being pregnant—my hair is growing like a weed and is three times thicker than normal.

Maria points at my belly and then gestures to my entire body. “Isn’t it obvious? Hello, pregnant and getting hitched.”

Gillian fluffs out the bottom of my dress. “Sowhat?”

“I just think it’s funny that I’m the only one who did things right.” She grins cockily.

“Oh, is that so? Says the woman who married her boyfriend’s twin brother!” Bree laughs manically, and Ria pouts.

“Cierto.” True, she admits.

I chuckle and swish from side to side. “You have to admit it is kind of funny that all three of us got married while pregnant.”

“Technically, I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time, so it doesn’t count.” Gigi flicks her long red waves over to oneside.

“Doesn’t matter. You were pregnant. So was Bree when she and Phillip eloped, and now, here you are, very pregnant and getting married.” Maria’s confirmation is not helpful.

I frown. “You calling me a hoochie? You calling all of us hoochies?” I put my hands on my much fluffier hips and cock my head for emphasis.

She grins. “Si el zapato calza…” she says in rapid-fire Spanish.

“Shut your mouth. If the shoe fits… What the fuck ever. I had sex one time. One frickin’ time and got pregnant,” Bree huffs. “Gigi was kidnapped and missed her birth control pills. And Kat… What happened to you, Kat? I forgot.” Bree frowns and taps her lips with one finger.

“My implant ranout.”

“Oh yeah, her implant ran out… Wait. You let that shit run out?” Bree accuses.

I roll my eyes. “Bree, rant. Maria, continue. Or better yet, don’t. Just because Maria’s afraid to get pregnant and be responsible for another human being besides herself doesn’t mean weare.”

Maria’s mouth opens and her entire face contorts into a fiery demon. “That is not true! If it were, we wouldn’t be expecting right now.” She crosses her arms over her ample breasts, and her eyes widen to the size of small saucers.

All three of us stop fiddling with my dress, lose the wind in our bickering sails, and stare at Maria. Her mouth twitches and her eyes water.

Three voices split the air atonce.

“No fuckin’ way!” Bree squeals and jumps up anddown.

“Oh my God, Ria!” Gigi cries, her hands clasping and going to her chest over her heart.

“Holy shit!” I whisper, not believing what I just heard.

Maria swallows while all three of us stare at her, mesmerized. I’m not sure any of us believed this day would come. The day Maria broke down and gave that man of hers a child. She loves children, sure, but she’s always been so focused on her career and enjoying her relationship. Every time the subject came up, she would change it immediately, stating they had all the time in the world.

“Maria…” I don’t know what tosay.

Bree, on the other hand, does not have a problem speaking. She practically flies over to our soul sister in her hot-pink slinky tank dress and tackle-hugs her, squealing withglee.

Gigi loops an arm around my shoulders as we both tear up and wait our turn. Only Bree has no plan to let our sister go, so we make our way over and wrap our arms around one another in a group huddle. All three of us express our excitement over the fact that our kids are going to grow up together, and we’re going to spend the rest of our lives as one big happy family.