Page 66 of Fate

Chapter Fifteen


I squeezeKathleen’s left hand as I hold Cora against my side, anchoring her diapered butt on my hip. Her little legs are flapping against my gut and back excitedly. When she’s awake she’s always happy. I love that about her. Her personality is going to be fun-filled and loving. Still, a tingle of dread is nagging at my subconscious while we stand at the entrance to my childhoodhome.

Will the family likeher?

Will they treat her like one ofus?

What are they going to say about Kathleen?

What about Misty?

The questions that have plagued me since this whole debacle started are running rampant through my mind and stressing me the fuckout.

Kathleen runs her hand down my chest. “Relax. If I’m not nervous, you shouldn’t be either.”

I huff. “You have nothing to be nervous about. My family loves you.” I level her with my no-bullshit stare.

She smirks. “And they love you too. They’re going to lavish Cora with love and attention. You’ll see.” Her soft, secretive smile reminds me I have her no matter what happens.

Before I open the door, I turn to her. “You know, I couldn’t do any of this withoutyou.”

Kat beams and tilts her head. “Yes, you could. You’re stronger than you think. But you’ll never have to worry about being alone, because I’m herenow.”

“Thank Christ!” I sigh and press my forehead to hers. I lean in and lay my lips againsthers.

Cora takes that moment to participate, pushing her little face in between ours and giving us both an openmouthed slimy cheekkiss.

Kat and I crack up. Leave it to Cora to lighten the situation.

“All right, let’s do this.” I open the door and lead my girls inside.

Cora’s eyes widen at all the lights. Most specifically, the chandelier hanging over the entryway. She points her chubby finger at it and says, “Ooooo.”

“Yes, baby girl. This is where Daddy grewup.”

I snuggle her closer, taking as much comfort as I can before we enter the sitting room off the entry, where I can already hear voices, laughter, and soft music playing. Dad must have put on the record player, because easy, jazzy blues crackles through thedoor.

Once we enter, I feel the stares as they travel from me to Kat and zero right in on Cora. Chloe is standing near the bar, pouring amaretto into a tumbler. Cooper is leaning against the fireplace with his phone at his ear. Chase is sitting on the couch, his arm around Gillian. Their twins are nowhere in sight. My father is sitting opposite them in a single chair. The only people missing are my brother Craig and his wife and kids, but they’re in New York. We have a promise to Skype in the near future so they can virtually meetCora.

When I make my way farther into the room, my father stands up. He smiles widely and opens hisarms.

“You are a vision, Kathleen. I’m thrilled you came tonight.”

Kat willingly embraces him. “Charles, it’s been toolong.”

“Hopefully that time span is but a memory?” He cocks an eyebrow coyly.

She grins. “That’s theplan.”

He pats her hand. “Good.”

Then he turns to me. I haven’t moved an inch. Never in my life have I felt fear when approaching my father, but I’ve never been in this type of quandary either. Charles Davis is a man who has earned the love and respect of his children, high-powered businessmen, and leaders all over the world. And right now, I’m afraid this situation provides the potential for either his disdain or disappointment.

However, as is his way, he walks over to me, puts a hand to my shoulder, and squeezes. “Son. You lookwell.”

I swallow the cotton ball in my throat. “I am, sir.”