Page 89 of Fate


A week goesby with absolutely no sight of Misty. Eli and his man Dice have scoured Nevada and have people looking in Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. Eventually, I tell Eli he needs to get home to his wife. He can’t keep looking for Misty when she’s got a shitload of cash and some type of unmarked vehicle. We all need to move on but stay vigilant. With her history, we’re hoping she disappears.

“I don’t know, man. Not feeling calling off thehunt.”

“Eli, you have no leads. You said it yourself, she’s smoke.”

He makes an animalistic sound and picks up Cora, who’s steadily tapping him on the leg and reaching her arms in an up motion. “Munchkin,” he says to her while placing her on the counter in front of him. He puts something into his leather jacket pocket and then pulls out a little pink box. Seeing this huge, rough-looking guy pull out a pink anything from his jacket is shocking, never mind the fact that he leans forward with it and shows it to Cora. Eli flicks open the lid with one finger and up pops a ballerina spinning in a circle to music. “Auntie Ria bought this for you. See, she’s a dancer likeher.”

“Pwitty.” Cora looks in complete awe at the ballerina spinning.

Eli smiles, all white teeth and happiness. He’s a lot less scary when he’s smiling.

Cora kicks her legs and tucks the box near her chest. “Dow dow.” She wantsdown.

Eli chuckles, picks her up, and puts her to the ground. He surprises me again when he holds her in front of him while he’s crouched down at her eye level. He runs his hand through her golden hair and kisses her forehead. She leans forward and gives him a slobbery cheek kiss. He doesn’t even flinch. Guy is cool asfuck.

Once she’s free, she toddles out of the room with her new treasure, screaming, “Kiiiittttyyy,” calling for Kathleen.

I shake my head and smile. “Thanks, man.”

He harrumphs. “Thank Maria. She’s the one who picks out thatshit.”

“So, when are you going to uh…build your family?”

Eli grins wickedly. “I try every night.”

I laugh hard and lean over the counter. “Okay, let me rephrase. When’s the wife going to allow you to knock herup?”

His shoulders slump. “Been asking that for a year. Says she’s scared she’ll lose her clients. Me, I could give a fuck. We’re not getting any younger, and I want to see a little girl with those eyes and that dark head ofhair.”

I nod. “You know Kathleen is pregnant. Gillian’s pregnant. Use that to your advantage.”

A light shimmers in Eli’s eyes. “Fuckin’ A. Need to have a chat with my wife. I’ll keep you posted, yeah?” Eli says, walking toward thedoor.

“Sounds good. Thanks, man.”

With a lift of the hand, he gives his standard two-fingered salute. “Later.”

Kat enters the room as the door shuts. “Eli left.” She frowns.

“Yeah, Sweetcheeks.” I grin. “Think he’s going home to nail Maria.”

She giggles, puts her arms around my waist, and lifts her chin toward my face. “Honey, they’re always banging.”

I grin. “This time, I think he’s going to talk her into falling in line with her friends.” I lay a hand over her belly. It’s still flat, since she’s only just over three months, but it’s hardened in a way I know my baby is right there under my hand. Fucking bliss.

Her eyes grow round, obviously taking in what I just said. “Eli wantskids?”

“Yep. And I think he wants them bad. He’s good with Cora.” I kiss her neck, running my nose up the column and saturating my senses with sunshine and coconut.

She purses her lips. “He’s good with Gigi’s twins too. They love hanging out with UncleE.”

I nod and continue to bathe myself in her essence until a little bundle of wild pounds against my legs. “Ice keem,” Cora says, slapping Kat’s and mylegs.

Kathleen giggles. “I made the mistake of saying I wanted ice cream and thinking maybe we could go getsome.”

I look down at Kathleen and Cora, both in their pajamas and already settled down for the night, and glance at the clock. “Babe, it’s eight o’clock. We need to get her tobed.”

Her shoulders fall and she frowns. “But I really wanted ice cream.” Then she rubs her stomach where our baby lies. I can see what manipulation the next six months is going to bring. I look from her hand to her face. She pouts, and I roll myeyes.

“Fine. You two stay here. Snuggle up on the couch, and I’ll go out and get the ice cream.”

Kathleen kisses me fast and hard and then leans over and grabs Cora’s hand to lead her to the couch. She’s gotten a lot stronger over the past three months, but she’s still not comfortable lifting Cora from the ground just yet. She can easily pull her out of her crib with one arm, but normally she leads Cora to the couch and lets her crawl into her lap. I know she’s working hard every day continuing her physical therapy. Even working on it at home with hand presses and small weights.

Yesterday, when she was in our bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed, I saw her lift a seven-pound barbell with her injured hand. I didn’t say anything, but I witnessed the smile on her face when she gripped the bar and held it up to her chest. She’d closed her eyes and smiled the sweetest, most satisfying one I’ve seen in a long time. It was pride, and I fell in love with her all over again.

Whistling, I grab my keys off the hook on the wall, hit the garage opener, and get into mycar.