He sucks in a breath through his nose, his nostrils flaring. “Fucking anything.” He curls a hand around my shoulder and presses down to get me to my knees.
I grin wickedly, grab the washcloth hanging over the rack, and put it under my knees for comfort. “It’s going to costyou.”
Carson’s eyes are wild and have darkened with lust. Water drips down his nose and lands on the tip of his dick. I flick my tongue and lap at the droplet. He groans. “No price is toohigh.”
I quirk an eyebrow, open my mouth, and suck just the tip in, swirling my tongue around the wide, knobbed head, and then let it go with an audible pop. “Yousure?”
“Name your price, hellion.” His fingers burrow into the wet strands at my nape, and he grips them tight.
“Breakfast tomorrow…”
“Done.” He pulls my head closer.
I pull back. “And coffee.”
“Fuck yes.” He tries to bring me closer.
“In bed.” I lean a little closer to where he wants memost.
I back up one more time. “And you have to serve me, all while naked.”
His eyebrows rise in surprise. “Deal.” He grins, and that grin turns into a pained hiss as I suck him down my throat in one big swallow. “My God, Kat. No one sucks cock likeyou.”
I smirk and double my efforts.