Page 20 of Fate

“Yes. Kind of the way he used to, just after the accident. Softly, barely even anything. Still, something was definitely there.”

“My God! Oh my freaking God. Does that mean you’re going to get back together?”

I groan and let my head fall back as I look up at the ceiling. “No, it doesn’t mean anything of the sort. He’s with someone rightnow.”

“Not if you said you were available. The man has been pining for you for three years, Kat. If you say you’re ready to take him back, he’s going to be there with bellson.”

“Not true. He’s been living his life just as I have,” I counter.

She makes a noise that sounds like a cross between blowing air out through her mouth and spitting. “I wouldn’t call what either of you have been doing as living.”

“Really? Even after all we’ve accomplished?” I shoot back, my tone laced with a hint ofacid.

“All work.” She waves her hand in the air. “Work, yes, you’ve been doing a lot of that. And very well, I might add.” Her tone softens considerably.


“But all work and no dick makes Kat a crotchety bitch,” she states plain asday.

I open my mouth and close it a couple times. “Nodick?”

She nods. “You said it, sister.”

“No, I think you did.” I chuckle, the hilarity of the conversation starting to hitme.

“Okay, so what’s the end result of this meet-and-kiss between you and my insanely handsome brother?” She bats her eyes prettily.

I roll mine. She does not lie. Her brother is the most beautiful man I’ve ever known, inside and out. I can’t deny there was a hint of something there between us. Maybe we should talk about it? Ugh, I don’t know. It’s been so long. I’m still disfigured, though not nearly as badly. My work life is fantastic, so I can support myself even against all the odds and despite the nerve damage in my hand and arm. My relationships with my girlfriends are strained, but I’m working on that. Will work on that. Perhaps that’s where I should start.

“I’m not sure. We left on civil terms, and for now, I’m happy aboutit.”

“Will you concede there could bemore?”

“Between your brother and me there will always be a history. I just can’t say if there is going to be a future.”

“How’s about while you figure it out, I’ll be hopeful for the both ofyou?”


Chloe grabs for another candy bar. I smack her hand away. “Put down the candy and pick up an apple!” Iwarn.

She frowns but lets go of the candy bar. “Thanks.” She looks at the candy longingly.

“Paris Fashion Week,” I remindher.

“Paris Fashion Week.” She turns on a toe and sighs.

I pushopen the door to my favorite pub. After spending all day going over new designs, making fabric deals with suppliers overseas, and checking in with my head seamstress on how the designs are coming together, I’m positively beat. Multicolored lighting hits my eyes as I take in the familiar surroundings of my go-to eatery on a Friday night. I had been invited to hang out with Maria and Eli, but I declined. Why, I don’t know. Tonight, I just need to be away from it all. Allow myself to get lost in my thoughts.

Thoughts ofhim.


All week I toyed with the idea of calling him up, suggesting we get coffee. I don’t even know why. Just over two years ago, I pushed him so far away I would never have ever dreamed we could go back. Then I saw him, and everything rushed in like a tidal wave breaking onshore. Just the sight of him obliterated my heart and destroyed the walls I’d built up in my mind. The ones preventing me from ever going there again.


I’ve been asking myself this same question all week. When he touched me in Gillian’s kitchen, it was as if his touch had never left me. It felt so…right. Perhaps it’s time to, at the very least, be friends again. There’s no harm there. I care about him. I know he cares for me. Hell, I still love the man, although I’m positive he’s moved on bynow.