Page 89 of Life

When the conversation hits baseball, Phil jumps right in. “Mason Murphy. Now that guy can hit a ball. Best since Babe Ruth.”

“Huh, well, get a headshot and an autograph of Anton for me, will ya? I love his music,” Bree asks.

“Sure, babe.”

“Is the business doing well though, in general?” Gillian asks, fluttering around filling glasses with more wine and being the hostess with the mostess, as usual.

“It is. Ever since Eli suggested it, helped me fund it—and of course, Chase giving me a space in Davis Industries—it’s finally making memucho dinero! As you know, it’s taken a couple of years, but everyone seems to want an original Maria De La Torre piece. And once this video of Anton’s goes live, I’ll be hit up by other parts of the music industry. It’s a win-win.”

“So amazing. It seems like all of us have finally hit our stride. Our little family is growing. I couldn’t be happier for each and every one of you,” Gigi says, making eye contact with all of us one by one.

When she reaches Kat, she jumps up with her head hanging down. “I, uh, need to go lie down. The alcohol and the sun are hitting me, and I feel the jet lag taking its toll.”

She makes a point to hug each one of us, kiss the kids, and head to her designated room.

“Crap.” Gigi slumps into her seat.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Gigi. She’s been hurting for a long time. I’m not sure what more we can do for her,” Bree says, misery lacing her tone. She puts her head in her hand and blows out a breath of air.

“We just have to be there for her while she goes through this.”

“Anyone heard from Carson?” Bree asks, looking around to make sure Kat’s not in earshot.

Chase lifts his glass, takes a sip, and sets it down. “He’s got a woman. Started seeing her pretty seriously a month or two ago. He won’t talk much about her, but I get the feeling it’s more serious than he’s letting on.”

Gillian frowns. “Well, did you ask him about Kat?”

His lips firm into a hard line. “You know I did, but he says she pushed him away one too many times, and he needed to move on. Says this woman wants him and it feels good to be wanted. I can’t blame him for that. Could you?”

His question hits the hearts of everyone at the table. The answer is definitely no, we don’t. Three years is a long time to wait for a woman.

“Well, I hope he finds what he’s looking for.” I lift my glass. “Toast!”

“Keep it clean, sister,” Gigi warns.

“To Chase and Gillian on the new baby and three years of marriage, to Bree and Phillip going strong for two years, to Kat getting back in the design business and doing better than ever, and to Eli and me about to hit the altar… I think we’re doing pretty damn well. To friends, family, love, and living a great life.Salud!”

All six of us cheer, our glasses together.

“To life, babe,” Eli says and kisses me three times behind the ear in the special way that sends tingles rushing through me.

“To a good life.” That’s all any of us can ever hope for.