Page 85 of Life

“Nonnegotiable.” He smiles and then kisses her hard and fast.

She lets him, turning into a noodle in his arms. When he sets her back on her feet, she has that dreamy in-love look in her eyes. Then she snaps out of it, as if realizing she’s been played, and tightens her mouth. “Ugh! Infuriating man.”

He turns around toward me. “Yeah, but you love me.”

Gillian storms out of the room, Austin following close behind. “Hey loca. ¿Cómo te va?” Chase finally addresses me.

“Crazy? You’re calling me crazy? I was assaulted. Soooo not my fault. And I’m okay. How’s everyone, really?”

“Fine.” He sets his hand on top of mine. It’s a rare occurrence when Chase reaches out physically, but when he does his intention is clear. “Bree, Phillip, and the baby are going to be okay. Sure, they’ve been knocked around, but everything came out fine. Had Jack been driving any faster, it could have been worse. If he hadn’t been knocked out by the hit and the airbag, things would have been easier.”

“I’m sorry.”

Chase’s brow furrows. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Sick and twisted people are to blame for all that has happened to you and my wife and our family. We’re strong. We’ll get through it together. Just rest.”

“Thank you.”

He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “Get better quick. It takes a village to raise a child, and I’m having two. We’ll need all the help we can get.” He winks.

I can’t hold back the laughter even though it hurts.

“You done kissing my woman, or do I need to give you more time?” A deep rumbly sound I know so well comes from behind Chase. I can’t see Eli, but I can feel his presence with the energy shift in the room.

“That would be my cue.” He moves away from the bed.


He turns around and taps my foot. “Yes?”

“I love you, brother.”

Chase offers me a rare uninhibited smile. His blue gaze pierces straight through mine when he says, “I love you, too,hermana.”

Eli and Chase clap shoulders as Chase leaves.

“Seems like that was a pretty powerful moment between the two of you. Should I be worried?” He grins and sits next to me, taking my hand.

“Of a brother type? I don’t think so,Cazador.”

He kisses the top of my hand, each finger, and finally the center of my palm. “I thought I’d lost you. Scooter tapped into all the security cams tracking the ambulance all the way to where they were holding you. When we entered the boathouse near the docks, you were still being held underwater. By the time Dice subdued the sister, I had Antonio on the ground. I broke his neck, killing him instantly. Dice pulled your body out of the tub, and you weren’t moving or breathing.” His voice is shaky, and he squeezes my hand in both of his.

Tears fill his eyes, and his mouth purses, his jaw hardening. “All I could think is I had the best thing in my entire fucking life gone in an instant. We didn’t have enough time. I wanted more time with you. So I pounded on your chest, babe. Willed you to breathe. Blew air into your lungs. Even when Dice told me you were gone, I kept trying.”

“Take the mask off?” I ask, my voice damaged and unrecognizable.

He grimaces as if he’s debating. “Only for a minute. Then back on. You need the oxygen until your oxygen sats come back up,” he says before pushing it down around my neck.

“Thank you for not giving up on me,” I whisper.

“I’ll never give up on you. On us. I love you so much it hurts.”

“Me too,” I say, pain lacing my tone.

“I know.” His eyes are soft and sweet.

“No, you’re crushing my hand in your giant man hands.” I hiss, the pain bone-crushing for a moment.

He lightens his hold and smiles huge. Then he settles around me, both hands to my sides. Once he’s positioned over me, he kisses my lips. “Spicy as fuck.”