I close my eyes and smack my forehead. “Mierda!Shit. That’s right. She does do that. And the bacon? What’s the special trick to that?” I ask, genuinely wanting to know.
The corner of Eli’s mouth lifts up. “You have to flip it all the time. Let it rest for maybe thirty seconds and then flip it again.”
“What? For each piece? That’s insane. It would take forever!” I shake my head. This whole cooking business is far too involved. “You know, I was watching it closely, but then I made coffee.” I pull out of his embrace and lean against the opposite counter and cross my arms.
His expression is one of horror. “Babe, please tell me you didn’t make coffee.” He holds his hands out as if he’s placating a child.
I scowl. “I did and it’s perfect. See?” I dip my chin toward the coffee pot. I can see the brown liquid is filled to the exact right point. “Have a cup.”
He shakes his head. “Nuh-uh. You first.” He chuckles, and I want to smack that cute laughter from his sexy face.
“Fine!” I stomp over to the pot and pour my cup to the top with coffee. “Cream, please?”
Eli pulls the milk out of the fridge and hands it to me.
“Gracias.” I pour the milk in and am startled to see all these black things popping up to the surface. “What the…” I gasp, not exactly sure what I’m seeing.
Eli glances over my shoulder and then starts laughing. Hard. His laughter goes on and on until he’s leaning over at the waist and gripping at his stomach. “You are too damn much, babe.” He smacks his knees. “Damn! I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.”
I tap my foot. “You finished embarrassing me?” I turn, ready to leave his laughing ass. “See if I ever do anything nice for you again, big meanie!” Before I even get a foot out of the kitchen I’m swept up in his arms and lifted to sit on the countertop near the coffeepot. He widens my legs and inserts himself between them. Not wanting to give in, I keep my gaze focused out the window where the ocean waves are smacking the surface of the beach in bursts of white and navy blue.
“I’m sorry. Spicy, I’m sorry. Look at me.” His head follows mine where I’m stretching it as far to the left as I can.
I firm my lips into a flat line and shake my head.
He grips my chin with his thumb and forefinger and drags my face to his. He kisses me several times in soft pecks against my lips, until finally I can’t stand it and kiss him back. Eli takes his time sucking on my bottom and then top lip, licking them and coaxing me into kissing him madly. When I sigh and lock my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, wanting more, he pulls back.
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. You were doing something nice for me, and I appreciate the thought. But how’s about I do the cooking from here on out in this relationship? You’re a shit cook, babe. It’s just the way it is.” He kisses my chin, my nose, and then my lips. “Deal?”
“Will you at least tell me how I screwed up the coffee? I was so sure I got it right.” I puff out my bottom lip.
He sucks it into his mouth and then pulls back. With a flick of his wrist he removes the basket thingy I put the coffee in. “No filter. Without the filter, you’re drinking coffee grounds.”
I slump against his wide chest. “I forgot that part. Maybe I’ll make a note. I should be able to make coffee for myself.”
“Why, when you’ve got your man to do it for you?” He winks.
“Cute. But you’re not going to be around all the time now, are you?” I put words to something we’ve nowhere near gotten close to discussing. We barely took the next step physically to whatever it is we’re doing. I don’t know if it’s even going anywhere or whether or not I want it to.
I want it to. Don’t I? I shouldn’t. Fuck. I’m so confused.
Eli must see the unspoken freak-out session on my face because his response his perfect. “Babe, we’ve had one sensational night together. Stop fretting. Let’s enjoy it for now. We have a long time to figure all of this out.”
My mind works a hundred miles a minute, spitting out an argument. “But it won’t matter because once you’ve gotten Antonio out of the picture, you’ll be off to your next big hunt, right,Cazador?” I remind him about his position as a bounty hunter.
He sighs and tugs my center directly against his warm waist. Instantly, my lower half pays attention, and a bolt of lust zips down to land right at my clit. It throbs and aches, readying for the next round of smokin’ hot sex with the world’s most sinful man. Only right now, said man is looking at me as if I’d spoken in tongues.
Eli threads a hand through my hair, the other wrapping around my hips so he can grind his now-rigid erection against my pussy.
“Babe, you think if I have a hot piece like you warming my bed, burning my breakfast, looking like a sex goddess in my T-shirts, I’m going to want to leave all that often? No way. Not when I’ve got this to sink my dick in.” He thrusts his hips against my crotch. “Or this succulent mouth to quarrel with and kiss.” He covers my lips in a bruising, wet tangle of tongues before pulling back with an audibleplop. “I’ve got plenty of men on my team to take most of the burden. Men who want more responsibility. Single men. Me, I’m thirty-one. I’d be much happier at home if I had you clipping my wings.”
I close my eyes and shiver, his words sinking deep into the hidden recesses of my soul. How can I feel so much for Eli so fast? Why is this happening now, and not a year from now when it would be more acceptable?
“Eli, I don’t know what to say,” I whisper and pull him into a hug.
“Don’t say anything.” He runs his big paws up and down my back in a soothing, rhythmic gesture that lulls me into submission. “Right now, all you have to do is live in the moment. Enjoy what we’re building on.”
I swallow down the fear and nod. “Okay.”