Gillian holds up both hands, her face a bright red. “Enough! I get it.”
I laugh and continue to paint. “Honestly, he does tell me all the time. So I can imagine why it hurtsgatitoso much that he’s not using the words.”
“If it were me, I’d need to hear it. Chase only says the words to me, but I will confess a little secret. He says it constantly. Whispers it in my ear when he passes me in a crowded room. Tells me first thing in the morning when we wake. When we go to sleep. It’s as if he’s afraid I won’t know how much I mean to him unless he tells me often. I think he’s making up for not doing so with his mom. Even though she was a mean bitch to me, he loved her a great deal, and her loss is weighing on him.”
“I’m sorry it’s been so hard. But with the babies it’s getting better, right?”
She looks at me sideways. “From the happiness perspective, yes. From the overprotective side of my husband, no. He’s worse than a helicopter mom. I fear both of our children are going to each have bodyguards standing in the corner while they’re in preschool.”
“You don’t think he’ll homeschool them with private teachers?” I grin.
She widens her eyes and she puts a hand to her belly. “Oh goodness, no. He would so do that. Don’t ever say that out loud, it will put ideas into his head. Jeez Louise. Hopefully things simmer down once we get Antonio out of the picture, and we can all go back to our normal lives.”
I shake my head. “I’m not even sure what normal is anymore. I’ve pretty much moved in with Eli. He’ll have it no other way, and frankly, I don’t want to be anywhere else. Can you tell Chase I won’t be needing the new furniture and apartment?”
Gillian’s lips twitch. “Of course. That will work perfectly because he’s already planning to move Kathleen closer. He doesn’t like that I have to go across town to a shadier neighborhood to visit her.”
“Una pieza de trabajo.” I laugh.
“Yep, you said it, sister. He’s definitely a piece of work. But I love him, and he means well. I’ll have him break it to Kat. He has a way of getting whatever he wants.” She smirks.
I put my hand on her stomach. “Well, he’s got you and thesecriaturasto worry about. Don’t give him too much trouble.”
Phillip handsme a glass full of champagne from the bar in Chase’s private limo. “Might as well enjoy the ride if he’s forcing us to ride protected.” He chuckles.
I lean into Eli’s side in the back of the limo and take a sip. “Can’t complain.” I grin.
Phil laughs and grabs Bree’s hand. “Great party, sweetheart. And you were worried we would need a ton more stuff. Between Gillian and the girls, your yoga friends and staff, and my family, we are filled to the brim with baby paraphernalia for Dannica.”
“Dannica. I heard you say that before, Bree. Is that her name?” I ask.
She smiles so big. “We picked it last week. What do you think? The name means morning star. She’s going to brighten our days and our nights with love and light.”
“Es perfecto. Me encanta.”
Phil kisses the side of Bree’s face. “See, even Maria thinks it’s perfect. Just. Like. You.” He kisses her nose and places a hand over his daughter.
She rubs her giant bump. “It is. And in a little over a month we’ll be saying hello to our morning star. I can’t wait.”
“And shortly after, we’ll be saying our vows,” Phillip tosses in nonchalantly.
I sigh, nuzzling against Eli’s side, getting more comfortable until it dawns on me what Phil revealed. “Wait, what?¿Te vas a casar?”
“English, Maria. I don’t know that one.” Bree frowns.
“You’re getting married?” I repeat.
Bree nods and brings her hands up to her chest with excitement. “Yep, and you’re the first to know!”
“Why didn’t you tell us at the shower? And where is your ring?” I glance at her left hand where there is no ring to be seen.
She slumps down and pouts. “It doesn’t fit. I’m too swollen.”
“Girl, you are beautiful, glowing, and engaged! Felicitations. The girls are going to be so bent I found out first.” I dance in my seat, wiggling around like a badass.
Phillip fills us all a new glass of champagne. Eli’s glass looks like a shot glass in his giant paw.
“To my fiancée, the mother of my child. You, our daughter, and Anabelle are everything to me. I can’t wait to expand my family. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world.” He leans over and kisses Bree.