His corresponding smile is so huge I can’t help but match it. “Absolutely. I think that trust has earned you another handful of orgasms.”
I think about it, arousal coating my sex already. I lift my hands, tunnel them into his dark hair, and bring his mouth close to mine. “You know, I think you’re right.”
He chuckles. “Greedy girl.”
Chapter Thirteen
Trying to be quiet, I mix up the eggs and pour them into the pan the way Gigi taught me. They start to bubble instantly. Okay, seems to be going good. With a fork, I turn over the bacon. Hmm, not quite done on that side, but when Gigi does it, she flips it a bunch of times. I gaze warily at the eggs doing their thing, willing them to be nice to me, and move to the coffeepot.
I pour the coffee grounds all the way to the top and peer into the little basket. Should be good. I slap it back into place and pour the water into the back. The burner sizzles and starts pouring coffee out before I can put the glass back in place.
“Mierda, mierda!” I whisper, shoving the glass carafe thingy under the trickle of scalding hot coffee.
I shove a paper towel under the coffeepot burner to sop up the spill so it doesn’t keep burning. Works like a charm. I do a little shaking-my-ass dance and search for the coffee cups.
“Score!” I fist pump.
A set of manly arms encircles me from behind. I grip the mug handles in a firm hold and squeak-scream until I look down and see the tribal tats I spent a lot of time admiring last night. I set the glasses down on the counter and lean back into his warmth.
“What are you doing, Spicy?” Eli rumbles into my ear and then kisses his way down my neck.
His hands find the hem of his T-shirt that I threw on. He cups both cheeks of my bareculo, groaning his pleasure into my neck.
“Mmm, like that, babe. Like you naked and wearing my shirt. But what are you doing?”
I grin and lock my arms around his much bigger ones, leaning into his comfortable weight. “Making you breakfast,Cazador,” I say proudly.
He turns me around in a flash, slips his hands firmly on myculo, and hikes me against his half-naked body. He’s wearing a pair of those maddeningly sexy plaid pajama pants. No woman on this earth would think plaid pj’s were sexy, but on this man…I want to drop to my knees and remove them to get at what’s hidden beneath. Especially now that I know exactly what’s waiting for me.
I lock my arms around his neck and lean my forehead against his. “I wanted to do something nice, you know, aftereverything.” I nip his earlobe.
He grins and rubs his nose against mine. “After everything, meaning the exceptional fucking including the eleven orgasms I gave you last night.”
“Eleven? I remember ten.” I pout trying to think back.
“Trust me, babe. There were eleven.”
I shrug. “If you say so.” I lean forward and slant my lips over his.
Eli does not wait to thrust his tongue inside and immediately explore every crevice. Thank God we both brushed our teeth. He tastes of mint and man, just the way I like him. Though I can’t say I don’t appreciate his flavor when his tongue is coated in me either. Together, we taste like sex and sin, my absolute favorite.
“So you’re making breakfast, huh?” He sniffs the air. “Is that what I smell?” He frowns and moves to the stove.
He turns down the heat on both items and picks up the fork. He turns over a piece of bacon and I’m shocked to see the other side is burnt to a crisp. The entire piece looks like a shriveled husk. Huh. I thought I followed Gigi’s directions to a T.
Eli glances over his shoulder at me and then handles the spatula, lifting up the eggs. Again, the entire bottom is pitch black.
“Que demonios. Yo hice todo bien.” I pout and cross my arms.
His shoulders and back flutter up and down as he turns off both burners completely. “Babe, you have to watch the eggs and bacon as they cook,” he says without a hint of accusation. Thank goodness he was kind in his reply or he’d be missing a limb.
“But look.” I point to the eggs. “The top is still yellow and runny. Why is that?”
Eli pulls me close, wrapping his arms around my waist and flattening me against his chest. “I’ll teach you how to cook eggs and bacon. It will be okay.”
I frown. “Gigi already taught me. She’s showed me like a hundred times,” I mutter, and try to remember what she did that made them so perfect all the years we lived together.
“Well, when you’ve put them on the pan, you have to constantly push the eggs around so they get fluffy and the bottom doesn’t burn.”